Lutheran Church in Africa—Benin Synod
Église Luthérienne en Afrique—Synode du Bénin (ELA-SBe)
The ELA-SBe was established in 2012 and officially registered in 2014, but its history goes back to 1996, when The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod began supporting missionary work begun by the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ghana. The ELA-SBe was born out earlier attempts to establish a confessional Lutheran church body in Benin.
Contact Information: | Profile: |
Église Luthérienne en Afrique—Synode du Bénin Abomey-Calavi Atlantic BP2801 Benin Phone: +229 64 63 63 80 +229 97 60 67 49 Email: |
Congregations: 3 Baptized Members: 400 Active Pastors: 3 |
President/ Bishop: Abona Legue Koumbi |