HAITI – The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Haiti (Église Évangélique Luthérienne d’Haiti – ELCH) is requesting prayer as the situation in their country continues to deteriorate.
The nation of Haiti is in crisis as a result of political instability, widespread gang violence, and a collapsed economy. Well-organized gang attacks in February further destabilized the country, with thousands of prisoners set free from prisons and Haiti’s prime minister blocked from returning to the country. The prime minister eventually resigned, and attempts to form a transitional government continue to face armed opposition from organized gangs.
In the midst of this situation, the church in Haiti is calling on Christians around the world to remember Haitians in prayer. “For months, our country has faced gang violence,” ELCH President Bernard Eliona explained. “This situation affects all, including churches and schools. No one is spared.”
“In such a situation,” he continued, “we greatly appreciate your prayers.”
In 2023, the International Lutheran Council (ILC)—of which the ELCH is a member—reported on the devastating situation facing their country. The situation has gotten progressively worse since then.
“We grieve for the people of Haiti as they struggle in this terrible crisis,” said ILC General Secretary Klaus Detlev Schulz. “We grieve for those whose families have been torn apart by violence; for the thousands who have been forced from their homes; and for all who are struggling to access the necessities of life.”
“In the face of such terrible suffering, I encourage Lutherans around the world to remember the people of Haiti in prayer,” Dr. Schulz continued. “Pray that God will bless the efforts of those trying to bring stability back to the streets of Haiti; pray that God would restrain evil doers from violence; and pray that the Gospel would continue to be proclaimed in the midst of this dreadful darkness—that it would bring comfort to a people suffering terrible tragedy.”
The International Lutheran Council is a global association of confessional Lutheran church bodies.