LLDP visits Concordia Publishing House, celebrates another graduate

by | Jan 7, 2025

LLDP participants at Concordia Publishing House. From left: Rev. Ambele Mwaipopo, retired Bishop of Lake Tanganyika Diocese (LTD), Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT); Rev. Fredirick Flores, Secretary of North Luzon Highland District, Lutheran Church of the Philippines (LCP); Rev. Daniel Akoh, President/Bishop Elect of Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ghana (ELCG); Rev. Charles Bameka, National Presiding Bishop of Lutheran Church of Uganda (LCU); Rev. Johanesa Andriamanarinjato, Bishop of Fisakana Synod, Malagasy Lutheran Church (FLM); Rev. Dr. Jacob Corzine, Vice President of Publishing, Concordia Publishing House (CPH); Rev. Dr. Roger Paavola, President of LCMS Mid-South District; Jonathan Schultz, President/CEO of CPH; Rev. Dr. Naomichi Masaki, LLDP Director and The Reverend Victor H. and Lydia Dissen Professor of the Lutheran Confessions at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne (CTSFW); Rev. Dr. Yacob Godebo, Director of PhD Program at Mekane Yesus Seminary, Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY); Rev. Jackson Mushendwa, Bishop of Western Diocese, ELCT; Rev. Dr. Heinz Hiestermann, Director of Lutheran Theological Seminary in Tshwane, South Africa, Free Evangelical Lutheran Synod in South Africa (FELSISA); Dr. John Lanbon, Director of National Young Adult Fellowship, ELCG; Rev. Martin Paul, Third Pastor in the Synodical Council, FELSISA; Tom McCain, CPA, Adjunct Professor of Washington University; Rev. Dr. Yohana Nzelu, Bishop of South East of Lake Victoria Diocese, ELCT; and Rev. Peter Abia, Presiding Bishop of Evangelical Lutheran Church in South Sudan and Sudan (ELCSS/S).

USA – Church leaders from ten Lutheran church bodies and dioceses in eight countries in Africa and Asia travelled to the United States for an eventful next session of the International Lutheran Council’s (ILC) Lutheran Leadership Development Program (LLDP) from November 11-22, 2024.

Concordia Publishing House

President and CEO of CPH, Jonathan Schultz, addresses the LLDP participants.

A highlight of this session was a course held at Concordia Publishing House (CPH) during the second week. CPH President and CEO Jonathan Schultz warmly welcomed the LLDP participants. He was joined by Dr. Jacob Corzine, Vice President of Publishing, Mrs. Kim Latham, Assistant to President, and many other key staff members in extending kind hospitality to the LLDP participants. President Schultz’ passion for the Gospel and care for the participants excited and melted the hearts of all, and Dr. Corzine’s lecture on church leadership according to Apology XXVIII was very insightful.

A tour of the building gave participants a deep understanding of how the Lord has blessed CPH over 150 years as the world’s premier confessional Lutheran publishing house. In all LLDP sessions, participants have benefited from CPH’s rich resources that are faithful to the Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions. It was a privilege as a result for participants to learn more about CPH and the people who serve there.

Concordia Publishing House was one of the agencies which helped to found the LLDP in 2017, together with the ILC, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), and Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne (CTSFW). That support of the LLDP reflects CPH’s broader mission of serving the proclamation of the Gospel effectively throughout the world. This November session served as the LLDP’s “homecoming,” giving thanks to CPH, with particular emphasis on its support for LLDP itself.

Another LLDP graduate

New LLDP graduate, Bishop Dr. Yohana Nzelu (front centre), with LLDP teaching faculty, students, and a few guests following commencement on November 15, 2024.

Another highlight of the most recent session was the graduation of Rev. Dr. Yohana Nzelu, Bishop of South East of Lake Victoria Diocese (SELVD) in Tanzania, and his reception of a Certificate of Theology in Lutheran Leadership from the ILC. The program requires students to write a graduation thesis as a culminating exercise. Bishop Nzelu’s thesis was: “An Examination of the Contribution of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod to the Growth of ELCT–South East of Lake Victoria Diocese.” He presented its summary to the community of CTSFW during its Convocation Hour on November 13 before conferral of the certificate on November 15.

Reflecting on his two years of LLDP, Bishop Nzelu commented: “The LLDP made me a Lutheran leader. It shaped my liturgical practice from Pentecostal influence to Lutheranism. I have been equipped with skills for defending the Lutheran theology. It gave me skills for leading my diocese by building an effective team to reach our goals. I recommend LLDP to every church leader, especially bishops and presidents.”

Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Skopak teaching Strategic Planning and Task Management at CTSFW.

Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Skopak of Emmanuel Lutheran Church and School (Asheville, Tennessee) served as instructor for the first week at CTSFW, teaching a course on Strategic Planning and Task Management. Participants expressed thanks for the lessons, with one writing: “This course was transformative in ecclesial ministry, as this kind of course is rarely taught in theological seminary and colleges.” Another participant encouraged the LLDP to offer annual workshops on the same topic for LLDP alumni and their executive staff.

LCMS Mid-South District President Roger Paavola teaching Budgeting and Financial Accountability at CPH.

Rev. Dr. Roger Paavola, President of the LCMS’ Mid-South District, was the instructor at CPH for the second week. To enrich his course on Budgeting and Financial Accountability, he brought in a team of instructors and presenters, including: Professor Tom McCain, CPA, of Washington University; Ed Holerde, Esq., a member of Spencer Law Firm, which works with the LCMS; Jeff Schwartz of Lutheran Public Radio (Issues, Etc.); and Rev. Matthew Clark, pastor of Ascension Lutheran Church (St. Louis, Missouri). Participating church leaders commented: “I learned that stewardship begins with Christ’s love,” and “This was a very important course for church leaders to help them think strategically in planning for the church.”

Holding a class in St. Louis brought additional benefits. President Dr. Tom Egger of Concordia Seminary (St. Louis, Missouri) and his wife invited LLDP participants for desert one evening. One afternoon was spent at the LCMS’s International Center to hear Revs. Drs. Joel Lehenbauer and Rick Serina concerning the work and resources of the LCMS’ Commission on Theology and Church Relations. Participants were also grateful to visit with LCMS President Matthew Harrison, who had served as an instructor during the LLDP’s February/March 2024 session in Wittenberg.

The LLDP at the LCMS International Center on November 20, 2024. From left, Rev. Dr. Joel Lehenbauer, Executive Director of LCMS Commission on Theology and Church Relations (CTCR); President Dr. Roger Paavola; Prof. Dr. Naomichi Masaki; Rev. Johanesa Andriamanarinjato; Rev. Dr. Heinz Hiestermann; Bishop Jackson Mushendwa; Presiding Bishop Peter Abia; Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison, LCMS President; Dr. John Lanbon; Bishop Dr. Yohana Nzelu; Rev. Dr. Yacob Godebo; Rev. President/Bishop Elect Daniel Akoh; Rev. Fredirick Flores; retired Bishop Ambele Mwaipopo; National Presiding Bishop Charles Bameka; Rev. Martin Paul; and Rev. Dr. Rick Serina, Associate Executive Director, CTCR.

On Sundays, members visited two local congregations to receive the Lord’s service. Five of the participants also served as preachers during the session. Bishops Peter Anibati Abia (South Sudan/Sudan) and Charles Bameka (Uganda) preached at Kramer Chapel at CTSFW during the first week. President/Bishop Elect Daniel Akoh (Ghana), Rev. Martin Paul (South Africa), and Rev. Fredirick Flores (Philippines) preached at LLDP’s daily Matins at CPH.

Left: LLDP participants present gifts of maps along with words of appreciation to LLDP Director, Dr. Naomichi Masaki. Right: Dr. Masaki showing Small Catechism with Explanation book in Japanese published by CPH in 1952 when preaching at CPH’s weekly morning chapel on November 20, 2024.

“This session was amazing!” said Rev. Dr. Naomichi Masaki, LLDP Director. “The instructors were the best of the best. Convocation and commencement, time spent at CPH, visits to congregations, CTCR, and with President Harrison were all so precious and meaningful. Even the time spent together in a van, dormitory, and at dinner were so sweet.”

“It was gratifying to hear that the LLDP is so helpful to the participating church leaders and future leaders,” Dr. Masaki continued. “What a gift of the Lord it is that we all walk together in one mind, heart, and faith to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ in faithfulness to Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions!”

The next session in March 2025 will focus on Missions and the Office of the Holy Ministry. You are invited to support the work of the LLDP by making a donation online. You can also mail a donation by cheque to:

International Lutheran Council
P.O. Box 10149
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46850 USA


By Mathew Block

Mathew Block is Communications Manager for the International Lutheran Council. He is also editor of The Canadian Lutheran magazine, and formerly served as Communications Manager for Lutheran Church–Canada.

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