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Bishop Bengt Ådahl

Mission Province in Sweden welcomes new fellowship partner

Bishop Bengt Ådahl of the Mission Province in Sweden (left photo) addresses the church’s 2024 provincial convention. Photos: Henrik Vestergård via MP.

SWEDEN – The Mission Province in Sweden (Missionsprovinsen – MP) held its 2024 provincial convention from October 18-19 in Linköping, during which time the church approved fellowship with a new church partner: the Evangelical-Lutheran Confessional Church (Evangelisk-Lutherska Bekännelsekyrkan – ELBK) in Sweden and Norway.

MP Bishop Bengt Ådahl reported to the convention how positive relations between the MP and the ELBK first began on the local level between the MP’s parish of St. Matthew in Helsinborg and the ELBK parish of St. Johannes in Yxenhult. This eventually led to formal discussions between leadership of the two church bodies, with the conclusion that there were no obstacles to church fellowship. The provincial convention welcomed the results, and gave its approval for Bishop Ådahl to formally confirm church fellowship with the ELBK.

In a letter to the convention, ELBK Chairman Asbjørn Hjorthaug reflected on the gift of unity in the Church, writing that “it is God’s holy will that we should practice this unity in communion.” The ELBK, which was formed in 1974, is a confessional free Lutheran church body with three congregations in Sweden and one in Norway.

Photos from the Mission Province in Sweden’s 2024 Provincial Convention: Henrik Vestergård via MP.

Among other business during the provincial convention, the Mission Province discussed the need for more priests; conducted elections for positions on the church’s Mission Council and on the Consistory; and considered the position of the diaconate in the province. Keynote speaker for the 2024 provincial convention was Dr. Kjell O. Lejon of Linköping University. Dr. Lejon gave a lecture entitled “Crusade Rhetoric Then and Now – Correcting the Use of History.”

The 2024 gathering also welcomed delegates from the Mission Province’s newest congregation, St. Luke’s in Kungälv, which was officially accepted as a full member congregation during a June 27 meeting of the MP’s Mission Council.

The convention also received greetings from fellowship partners in the Mission Diocese of Finland (Suomen evankelisluterilainen Lähetyshiippakunta – ELMDF) and the Evangelical-Lutheran Diocese in Norway (Det evangelisk-lutherske stift i Norge – DELSIN).

The Mission Province is a member church of the International Lutheran Council (ILC), as are the ELMDF and DELSIN. The ILC is a global association of confessional Lutheran churches which proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the basis of an unconditional commitment to Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions.


20 Years for the Mission Province in Sweden

Delegates gather for the Mission Province in Sweden’s 2023 Provincial Convention.
Bishop Bengt Ådahl of the Mission Province in Sweden.

SWEDEN – On October 28, 2023, the Mission Province (Missionsprovinsen – MP) in Sweden celebrated its 20th anniversary at an event in Tuve, Gothenburg. The event came at the conclusion of 2023’s Provincial Convention, which brought together clergy and lay representatives from congregations across the country.

MP Bishop Bengt Ådahl opened the convention on October 27, and business sessions took place that evening and the next morning. Among other business, the Mission Province discussed work in Israel; clarified the role of the diocesan priest; and conducted elections for the MP’s Mission Council.

Anniversary celebrations followed the conclusion of business sessions, with Bishop Emeritus Risto Soramies of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission Diocese of Finland (Suomen evankelisluterilainen Lähetyshiippakunta – ELMDF) giving a guest lecture. Bishop Soramies spoke on the nature of confession and the characteristics of the Church. A lecture by Bishop Thor Henrik With of the Evangelical-Lutheran Diocese in Norway (Det evangelisk-lutherske stift i Norge – DELSIN) followed. Bishop With spoke on “Una Sancta: Gift and Task in the Tension between Multiculturalism and Individualism.”

ELMDF Bishop Emeritus Risto Soramies.
DELSIN Bishop Thor Henrik With.

Greetings from other church leaders were also received, including from Bishop Hans Jönsson on behalf of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia (Latvijas Evaņģēliski luteriskā baznīca – LELB). Bishop Jönsson is originally from Sweden.

The anniversary celebrations drew to a close with a communion service led by Bishop Ådahl.

The Mission Province was founded in 2003 as a confessional movement within the state Church of Sweden. Its first bishop was Arne Olsson, who was consecrated by Bishop Walter Obare of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Kenya (ELCK) in 2005. In 2010, Bishop Arne was succeeded by Bishop Roland Gustafsson. The Mission Province would go on to play an important role in the establishment of the ELMDF in Finland and DELSIN in Norway, with the three dioceses enjoying close relations to this day. Bishop Gustaffson was succeeded in 2019 by Bishop Ådahl.

After many years of friendly relations, the Mission Province in Sweden was accepted into membership in the International Lutheran Council (ILC) in 2018. The ILC is a global association of Confessional Lutheran churches that proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the basis of an unconditional commitment to Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions.


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