AFRICA – Two Lutheran church bodies in Kenya and Benin are celebrating recent events related to seminary education.

On November 19, 2022, the Lutheran Church in Africa-Benin Synod (Église Luthérienne en Afrique—Synode du Bénin – ELA-SBe) celebrated the ordination of two new pastors—Revs. Aris D. Agbessi and Prudence T. Lekoto—during a service at Resurrection Lutheran Church in Abomey-Calavi. Both took their theological training at the Lutheran Centre for Theological Studies (Centre Luthérien d’Études Théologiques – CLET) in Dapaong, Togo. CLET is the seminary of the Lutheran Church of Togo (Église Luthérienne du Togo – ELT).
The ELA-SBe is a young church body in Benin, and the ordination of two new pastors brings the church’s total number of pastors to three. The church serves approximately 400 members in three congregations.
Meanwhile in Kenya, on January 28, 2023, the seminary relations committee of the Evangelical Lutheran Conference and Ministerium of Kenya (ELCMK) celebrated the receipt of several boxes of books for their library. The books will play an important role in ensuring a strong confessional education for Lutherans in the ELCMK.

The books were a gift from the Lutheran Heritage Foundation (LHF)—an American organization associated with The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS)—which has translated and provided Lutheran books for use in more than 145 languages in 90 countries across the world.
The Lutheran Church in Africa-Benin Synod is a full member of the International Lutheran Council, while the Evangelical Lutheran Conference and Ministerium of Kenya is an observer member. The ILC is a global association of confessional Lutheran church bodies dedicated to the authority of Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions.