USA – The International Lutheran Council (ILC) is giving thanks for Rev. Roger B. James, who has transitioned out of his role as Assistant to the General Secretary. Rev. James has accepted a position as interim pastor at Our Hope Lutheran Church in Huntertown, Indiana.
“My heart has always been with preaching and teaching and pastoral care,” said Rev. James, “but I treasure the few years I have had with the ILC. At its heart, the ILC is also about the Gospel and the Word of God—the same focus as in pastoral ministry. I and my wife Amy look forward to continuing to support the ILC with our gifts and prayers.”
The ILC’s Board of Directors issued a call to Rev. James in late 2020, and he was installed on January 31, 2021. He served the majority of his tenure under former General Secretary Timothy Quill, but he also assisted his successor, Rev. Dr. Klaus Detlev Schulz, since his installation in late 2023.
“Rev. James has played an important role in assisting the ILC during its expansion over the past three years,” said General Secretary Schulz. “He has provided guidance in the development of operating procedures and practices, assisted with major events, and made significant strides in helping to raise the profile of the ILC on the congregational level as well as developing strong relations with supporters.”
“I am also personally grateful for Rev. James’ assistance since my own installation as General Secretary,” Dr. Schulz continued. “We wish him every blessing in Christ as he enters into a new ministry opportunity.”
Prior to joining the ILC, Rev. James served as The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s (LCMS) South Asia Area Director as a missionary in Sri Lanka.