USA – In January 2024, Concordia Theological Seminary (CTSFW) in Fort Wayne, Indiana formally dedicated two newly-funded faculty chairs. Rev. Dr. Klaus Detlev Schulz, General Secretary of the International Lutheran Council (ILC), was appointed as the new Roemer-Baese professor in Pastoral Ministry and Missions. Rev. Dr. Naomichi Masaki, Director of the ILC’s Lutheran Leadership Development Program (LLDP), was appointed as the new Reverend Victor H. and Lydia Dissen Professor in the Lutheran Confessions.
Dr. Schulz has served as a faculty member at CTSFW since 1998, a role in which he continues to serve alongside his work as ILC General Secretary. “Dr. Schulz is known internationally for his teaching in missiology, his confession of Lutheran theology, and his tireless commitment to reaching lost sinners around the world,” noted CTSFW Provost Charles Gieschen in announcing the appointment. “His appointment to this new chair in Pastoral Ministry and Missions is an important way to honour his many contributions and further the impact of his service.”
Dr. Masaki has been a member of CTSFW’s faculty since 2001. “Dr. Masaki has distinguished himself on our faculty and throughout the world as a teacher of biblical doctrine as stated in the Lutheran Confessions,” Dr. Gieschen said. “Appointing him to hold this chair both honours his exemplary service and proclaims this seminary’s rigorous commitment to the study of what Lutherans believe, teach, and confess.”
The dedication of the new chairs came a day before the seminary’s annual Symposia conference, and also saw General Secretary Schulz and Dr. Masaki give inaugural lectures. Dr. Schulz presented on “Missiology: A Theologia Viatorum in Search of a Home.” Dr. Masaki gave a lecture entitled: “Rejoicing in the Vibrant Confessional Heritage: Breathing the Air of the Book of Concord.”
During CTSFW’s Symposia Series in the days that followed, General Secretary Schulz also presented on the work of the International Lutheran Council, with a particular focus on Africa.