DR CONGO – The International Lutheran Council is encouraging prayer for the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) following hostilities in the eastern part of the country which have left at least 900 people dead, and more than 2,900 wounded.

“We encourage Christians around the world to remember the people of the eastern DRC in prayer,” said Rev. Dr. Detlev Schulz, General Secretary of the International Lutheran Council. “The death and destruction in the area is horrific. We pray for an end to the hostilities; the protection of the endangered; the well-being of the displaced; and the comfort of all who mourn. Lord, have mercy.”

M23 rebels, with support from Rwanda, launched a new assault in eastern DRC in early 2025. Over the past weeks, rebels have seized control over a large area, culminating at the end of January with the seizure of Goma, the capital city of North Kivu Province. Numerous civilians have been killed in the conflict, and there are reports of horrific atrocities against civilians, including women and children.

Even before the latest assaults, more than 700,000 displaced people lived near Goma, having fled earlier clashes between rebels and DRC troops in the east.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in East Congo (CELCE) has a significant number of members in the affected area. CELCE Bishop Herman Kashaba calls the situation “not only dramatic but apocalyptic,” and has invited the prayers of Christians around the world for the region.

The ILC also has contacts with Lutheran church bodies in other regions of the Democratic Republic of Congo. “We pray for our Lutheran brothers and sisters throughout the DRC, and for all who are suffering in in this terrible situation,” said ILC General Secretary Schulz. “May Christ be present among His people with His mercy even in the midst of war.”

The International Lutheran Council is a global association of Lutheran church bodies and groups, dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the basis of a shared commitment to the authority of Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions.
