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Lutherans in the Philippines recovering from devastating typhoons

Church members gather for worship and support following typhoons in the Philippines.

PHILIPPINES – The Lutheran Church in the Philippines (LCP) continues to recover from devastating typhoons in late 2024.

LCP members visit a congregation for support.

Beginning in late October through November, multiple typhoons—Trami (Kristine), Kong-rey (Leon), Yinxing (Marce), Toraji (Nika), Usagi-(Ofel), and Man-yi (Pepito)— swept across the Philippines, leaving devastation in their paths. The country saw widespread flooding, landslides, and destruction across many provinces, especially in the regions of Bicol, Calabarzon, and Cagayan Valley. Entire communities were submerged, crops destroyed, and thousands of families lost their homes. LCP members living in Calabarzon region and in Cagayan Valley were particularly hit hard.

“It’s hard to imagine the pain of losing loved ones, your home, and your means of livelihood all at once,” said LCP President Antonio del Rio Reyes. “Yet amidst all of this, I have seen incredible resilience and faith in these communities. They are doing their best to pick up the pieces but the journey is long, and they can’t do it alone.”

Eight church buildings of the LCP in Cagayan Province and Ilocos Norte were damaged during the storms, with the parsonage of St. Paul Lutheran Church in Ballesteros suffering severe destruction. No church workers or members were injured during the storms but—like numerous people across the Philippines—many had difficulty accessing basic necessities and experienced damage to their homes.

Making repairs to a damaged roof.

In the immediate aftermath, LCP pastors reached out with spiritual care to their members. With the financial support of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), the LCP also extended emergency relief to 276 affected families from Cagayan Province/Ilocos Norte and 71 families in Batangas. These funds have helped affected families access basic necessities and will also help with repairs for damaged homes—for example, by making repairs to damaged roofs.

“On behalf of the LCP, I would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for the help extended by the LCMS,” President Reyes said. “It was indeed a blessing—an expression of deep concern and love for those who suffered the aftermath of the strong typhoons that came to our country. Your kindness will always be treasured in our hearts. Thank you for bearing with us. May God bless you and the LCMS for your thoughtfulness and generosity.”

The Lutheran Church in the Philippines and the LCMS are members of the International Lutheran Council (ILC), a global association of confessional Lutheran church bodies.


LCMS holds International Church Relations Conference in Wittenberg

Group photograph at Town and Parish Church of St. Mary’s on Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2024, at the International Church Relations Conference organized by LCMS Church Relations in Wittenberg, Germany. Photo: LCMS Communications/Erik M. Lunsford.

GERMANY – The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) hosted its International Church Relations Conference (ICRC) in Wittenberg, Germany from October 21-25. This was the second year in a row that the conference was held in Wittenberg, the birthplace of the Reformation.

The LCMS’ ICRC brings together representatives from mission plants and church bodies with which the LCMS enjoys fellowship (as well as churches moving towards fellowship with the LCMS). This year, 97 representatives from 46 countries participated in the ICRCR, which met under the theme “Christ – The Lord of History,” drawing on Hebrews 13:8: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”

The event began with a service of Vespers at St. Mary’s Church in Wittenberg, with Rev. Dr. Jonathan Shaw, Director of LCMS Church Relations, preaching. “Christ is the Lord of history—yesterday, today, and forever,” Dr. Shaw said, introducing the convention theme. “He is the Lord of history yesterday—the pattern of all that is. He is the Lord of history today—the peace we have with the Father in His blood. And He is the Lord of history forever—the Presence which perfects us by His Spirit in forgiveness, life, and salvation.”

The theme was further unpacked by nine speakers throughout the conference, with the subthemes of Christ as the Lord of yesterday, today, and forever each being addressed by three speakers. Speaking on Christ as the Lord of yesterday were President Thomas Egger of Concordia Seminary (St. Louis, Missouri); Rev. Dr. Burnell Eckardt Jr., editor in chief of Gottesdienst; and LCMS 5th Vice President Christopher Esget. President Egger spoke on “Christ the Lord of History – In Creation.” Dr. Eckardt presented on “The Lord of History: Yesterday – In the Old Testament Narrative.” Vice President Esget spoke on “Christ – The Lord of History in Re-Ordering the Image of God.”

Speaking on Christ as the Lord of today were Bishop Peter Anibati Abia of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of South Sudan/Sudan (ELCSS/S); LCMS President Matthew C. Harrison; and Rev. Ted M.R. Krey (LCMS Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean). Bishop Abia presented on “Christ – The Lord of History: Today – In Witness.” President Harrison spoke on “Paul’s Collection for Jerusalem.” Rev. Krey presented on “Jesus Christ – The Lord of History Today in Church Planting and the Shaping Force of Justification in Church Planting.”

Speaking on Christ as the Lord of forever were Associate Professor Jon D. Vieker of Concordia Seminary (St. Louis, Missouri); Assistant Professor Stephen Pietsch of Concordia Seminary (St. Louis, Missouri); and Dr. Shaw. Dr. Vieker spoke on “Christ – The Lord of History – Forever: In Worship.” Dr. Pietsch presented on “Christ – The Lord of History Forever: Luther’s Eschatological Understanding of Creation.” Dr. Shaw spoke on “Christ – The Lord of History Forever: In Sacramental Remembrance.”

Preachers for Matins and Vespers during the conference included President Geraldo Walmir Schüler of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Brazil (IELB – Igreja Evangélica Luterana do Brasil); President John Shadrak Donkoh of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ghana (ELCG); Bishop Serge Maschewski of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ukraine (ELCU); Rev. Dr. Corey Rajek (Executive Director of the LCMS Office of International Mission); Rev. Michael N. Frese (Deputy Director of LCMS Church Relations); and Archbishop Jānis Vanags of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia (LELB – Latvijas Evaņģēliski luteriskā baznīca). A Divine Service was also held during the week, for which LCMS President Harrison served as preacher.

In addition to English, services throughout the week featured elements of the liturgy in Swahili, German, and Spanish. Rev. Sean Daenzer, director of LCMS Worship, served as liturgist for the conference.


LCMS hosts church relations conference in Germany

Participants in the LCMS’ International Church Relations Conference (October 2023 in Wittenberg, Germany). Photo: LCMS Communications/Erik M. Lunsford.

GERMANY – From October 9-13, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) hosted an International Church Relations Conference in Wittenberg, Germany, bringing together leaders of dozens of confessional Lutheran church bodies from around the globe. The theme for the event was “Confessional Lutheranism Under the Cross.”

The purpose of the conference was to “enhance unity in Christ and His Word in worldwide confessional Lutheranism through theological presentations, thoughtful discussion, invigorated friendship, and mutual support.”

In addition to many opportunities for worship, the conference featured nine sessions which engaged the conference theme in different ways. Presenters for these sessions included: LCMS President Matthew C. Harrison (“Luther under the Cross”); Rev. Dr. Roberto Bustamente of Seminario Concordia El Reformador in the Dominican Republic (“The Cruciform Pastoral Office”); Rev. Dr. Armin Wenz of Lutherische Theologische Hochschule Oberursel in Germany (“Confessional Subscription Under the Cross”); Rev. Dr. Joel Lehenbauer, Executive Director of the LCMS’ Commission on Theology and Church Relations (“Godly Women and the Way of the Cross”); Rev. James Krikava, Associate Director of the LCMS’ Office of International Missions (“Liturgy, Music, and the Glory of the Cross”); Bishop Juhana Pohjola of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission Diocese of Finland and Chairman of the International Lutheran Council (“Christian Community as the Answer to Diversity/Equity/Inclusion”); Rev. Dr. Jonathan Shaw, LCMS Director of Church Relations (“Lutheran Strategic Planning: Shaping Vision without Shedding Theology”); Rev. Matthew Anker of Australia (“Mobilizing People and Building Teams through Change”); and a closing session led again by President Harrison.

Following the conclusion of the International Church Relations Conference, the International Lutheran Council (ILC) also met in Wittenberg for anniversary celebrations.


LCMS convention celebrates fellowship with five church bodies

USA – The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) held its 68th Synodical Convention from July 28-August 3 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, during which time the church newly recognized fellowship with two church bodies in Uganda and Ukraine, affirmed fellowship with two others in South Sudan/Sudan and Finland, and recognized a fifth in Sri Lanka as a self-governing partner church. The decisions came during the afternoon session of July 30.

The LCMS’ new partners include the Evangelical Lutheran Church of South Sudan/Sudan (ELCSS/S); the Evangelical Lutheran Mission Diocese of Finland (ELMDF); the Lutheran Church of Uganda (LCU); the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ukraine (ELCU); and the Ceylon Evangelical Lutheran Church (CELC). All were received unanimously.

South Sudan/Sudan and Finland

The first two votes saw the endorsement of previous declarations of fellowship made by the LCMS president during the past triennium. Under LCMS bylaws, the president of synod can declare fellowship between the LCMS and emerging confessional Lutheran church bodies on the recommendation of the Commission of Theology and Church Relations (CTCR), with the decisions to then be ratified during the next synodical convention.

ELCS/SS Bishop Peter Anibati Abia.

President Matthew Harrison—who was reelected in advance of the convention—initially declared fellowship with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of South Sudan/Sudan in 2022. The LCMS and the Lutheran Heritage Foundation have enjoyed a cooperative relationship with the ELCSS/S going back to the 1990s.

“I give thanks to God Almighty and to all of you, the delegates, for endorsing the declaration of altar and pulpit fellowship between our two churches,” said ELCSS/S Bishop Peter Anibati Abia following the vote. “I invite you to join hands with us so that we together can bring the joy of the Gospel to many who are lost.”

ELMDF Bishop Juhana Pohjola.

LCMS President Matthew Harrison also declared fellowship with the Evangelical Lutheran Mission Diocese in 2020, and the convention vote endorses that decision. The ELMDF and the LCMS began fellowship talks in 2017.

ELMDF Bishop Pohjola greeted the affirmation with joy. “What a gift to confess together Christ crucified!” he said. “What a gift to receive together the gifts of the cross: forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation. What a gift to drink from the same chalice in unity of faith. What a gift to share the Gospel of salvation in the same mission work to the world. And what a gift to pray and support each other in the midst of trials and hostility.”

Uganda and Ukraine

LCU Bishop Charles Bameka

The convention then turned to new declarations of fellowship. The first of these was with the Lutheran Church of Uganda. The LCMS previously participated in mission work in Uganda alongside the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ghana, which began work in the country in 1993. The LCU became self-governing in 2015.

“It is the hope of the Lutheran Church of Uganda that in this fellowship The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod will continue to walk with us,” said LCU Bishop Charles Bameka, noting the new fellowship declaration was the culmination of a process that first began in 2016. “May God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit lead and guide us as we together preach Christ crucified. Amen.”

ELCU Bishop Serge Maschewski

Then came a vote to recognize fellowship with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ukraine. The church body emerged out of a 2015 split in the German Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ukraine, with confessional Lutherans coalescing around the emerging ELCU. LCMS ties to members in the ELCU go back to the 1990s.

“Today the Lord united us, and we today follow His words: ‘May they all be one as You, Father, are in Me and I in You. May they be one as We are one.’” said ELCU Bishop Serge Maschewski. “I thank God and you, brothers and sisters—participants of this convention—for this wonderful opportunity.” Bishop Maschewski then presented LCMS President Harrison with a damaged helmet that saved the bishop’s life when, while providing pastoral care in in Ukraine, a convoy of vehicles in which he was traveling was hit by a missile strike. The helmet—which was provided thanks to LCMS support—is a potent symbol of the two churches’ partnership in support of the Gospel amidst the difficulties of this world.

Sri Lanka

Rev. Steven Mahlburg, LCMS missionary to Sri Lanka, reads greetings from CELC Bishop Arumanayagam Arulchelvan.

The fifth church with which the convention recognized fellowship was the Ceylon Evangelical Lutheran Church (CELC) in Sri Lanka. The CELC grew out of the mission efforts of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, and is a successor church to a previous LCMS partner: the Lanka Lutheran Church, whose legal status had lapsed. The new vote reestablishes the recognition of fellowship with Sri Lankan Lutherans as a self-governing church body.

CELC Bishop Arumanayagam Arulchelvan was unable to attend the convention in person but sent greetings in a letter which was read to the delegates. The LCMS and the CELC both “remain committed to upholding sound confessional Lutheran theology, fervently sharing the saving Gospel of our Lord Jesus and demonstrating God’s love through acts of mercy to those in need,” he wrote. “I humbly invite you to join hands with us so that together we can bring the joy of the Gospel to the many who are lost. May the name of the Lord be praised now and forevermore.”

Broken Ties

A day later on July 31, the LCMS convention took up the sadder business of recognizing the loss of fellowship with the Japan Lutheran Church (JLC). The move came after growing disagreement between the two church bodies on ordination and other subjects, culminating in the JLC’s 2021 decision to alter its constitution and bylaws to remove the requirement that those ordained to pastoral ministry be male.

The LCMS therefore adopted a resolution recognizing that “the LCMS with deep sorrow and regret declares that it can no longer recognize altar and pulpit fellowship with the JLC,” while at the same time acknowledging the LCMS’ “own shortcomings and failures in not giving adequate attention to these theological concerns.” The resolution ends with a commitment to remain “open and eager to pursuing further doctrinal discussions with the JLC should the JLC at any time be open to such discussions in the hope that by God’s grace our church bodies might once again attain complete agreement in doctrine and practice and once again enjoy the gift of God-given and God-pleasing altar and pulpit fellowship.”

Concurrent with the synodical convention, the LCMS also held an International Church Relations Forum, with more than 40 international representatives present for the event. Participants, some of whom also addressed convention delegates and participated in convention events, enjoyed a schedule of worship, theological presentations, and discussion time.


LCMS reelects President Matthew Harrison

LCMS President Matthew Harrison preaches at the ILC’s 2022 World Conference in Kenya. Photo: The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod/Erik M. Lunsford.

USA – The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) has reelected Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison to another term as president.

President Harrison was first elected as president of the LCMS in 2010, and his fifth term runs from 2023-2026. He was reelected with 52.32 percent of the vote (2,616 votes).

“The office is not a right, but a trust, ever bestowed upon sinners,” President Harrison reflected in his candidate statement prior to the election. “I love that in the LCMS, it’s all about Jesus… Every congregation, every pastor, every teacher, every worker, every school, every institution exists for this Gospel of free forgiveness for all.”

The LCMS holds elections for president electronically in advance of its synodical convention. The election began on June 17, and the results of the election were announced by the LCMS on June 21. The LCMS synodical convention is scheduled for July 29 to August 3.

Other candidates who had stood for election were Rev. Dr. Patrick T. Ferry, Rev. Benjamin T. Ball, Rev. Richard L. Snow, and Rev. Peter K. Lange. They received 31.86 percent, 6.82 percent, 6.36 percent, and 2.64 percent of the vote respectively.

In addition to serving as president of the LCMS, President Harrison is also a member of the board of directors for the International Lutheran Council (ILC). The ILC is a global association of confessional Lutheran church bodies, of which The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod is a founding member.


Lutherans in Germany, Latvia, and USA mark special anniversaries

WORLD – While Lutherans across the globe in 2022 are celebrating the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s translation of the New Testament into German, several member churches of the International Lutheran Council (ILC) are also marking other important anniversaries this year.


In 2022, the Independent Evangelical Lutheran Church (Selbständige Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche – SELK) of Germany celebrated its 50th anniversary. The church formed on June 25, 1972—coinciding with the commemoration of the Augsburg Confession—when the majority of independent confessional Lutheran churches in Germany merged.

Bishop Hans-Jörg Voigt introduces a panel discussion on the SELK’s 50th anniversary.

To mark the anniversary, SELK held a two-day event from June 25-26 on the campus of its seminary in Oberursel, with events including a panel discussion, children’s programming, workshops, concerts, and more. The celebration culminated with a festival service held at St. John’s Church on June 26, with the service also broadcast live online.


This year marks both the 500th anniversary of the Reformation’s arrival in Latvia as well as the 100th anniversary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia (Latvijas Evaņģēliski luteriskā Baznīca – LELB). In 1522, the city of Riga—part of what was then called Livonia—became Lutheran when the reformer Andreas Knöpken arrived in the city as its first Lutheran pastor. A conference and festive service were held June 12 to mark the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in Latvia. The event was held at St. Peter’s church, which only this year was returned to the LELB by the authorities to serve again as a dedicated church building.

Archbishop Jānis Vanags preaches during the LELB’s 100th anniversary service. (Photo: LELB/U. Muzikanta).

The 100th anniversary of the LELB was marked a little over a month later on July 16. Like the previous event, this commemoration also began with a morning service at St. Peter’s Church in Riga, following which participants marched to the church’s cathedral. Events continued throughout the day at multiple locations, and included musical performances, children’s activities, a film presentation, and much more. The day concluded with a special anniversary service at the cathedral during which two new auxiliary bishops were consecrated.

As part of other anniversary events, the Latvian church is planting oak saplings at congregations and in other locations throughout the country. These saplings have been grown from the acorns of oak trees first planted by Ernst Glück more than 300 years ago. Glück was an important Lutheran theologian who translated the Bible into Latvian in 1694.

United States of America

In the United States, meanwhile, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) is also commemorating an important anniversary in 2022: the 175th anniversary of its founding. On April 26, 2022—175 years to the day since its founding in 1847—the LCMS held a special service of thanksgiving at the LCMS International Center in St. Louis, Missouri. The theme for the anniversary is “Only Jesus: No Other Name,” drawn from Acts 4:12.

President Matthew C. Harrison preaches during the LCMS’ 175th anniversary service.

The LCMS has also provided numerous resources and activities for congregations to celebrate the anniversary in local settings as well, including a special anniversary hymn, worship resources, Bible studies, an art contest for students, resources on LCMS history, and more.

The LCMS, LELB, and SELK are all member churches of the International Lutheran Council, a global association of confessional Lutheran churches.


Bolivian Lutherans reelect president

Participants in the Christian Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bolivia’s 2022 national assembly.

BOLVIA – The Christian Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bolivia (Iglesia Cristiana Evangélica Luterana – ICEL) held its 12th national assembly March 26-27, 2022, during which time the church elected Rev. Limberth Fernandez Coronado to another four-year term as president. Hugo Hinojosa was elected vice president.

The assembly, which drew 44 delegates from across the country, also saw discussion centered on bolstering the doctrinal commitments in the church’s statutes. To that end, the church adopted a new statement on the office of the ministry, expressing the necessity of a full subscription to the Book of Concord. This change was followed with the ordination of eight pastors during the assembly’s closing service, presided over by Vice President Airton Schroeder of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Brazil (Igreja Evangélica Luterana do Brasil – IELB). The ICEL and the IELB entered into fellowship in 2002.

The ICEL has submitted additional changes to its congregations for study, as it contemplates becoming a full member of the International Lutheran Council (ILC).

The Bolivian church receives copies of Luther’s Small Catechism in Quechua, presented by representatives of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

The Bolivian church’s assembly also celebrated the release of a new translation of Luther’s Small Catechism into Quechua. Approximately 40 percent of the ICEL’s members speak Quechua, so the launch of the new translation—the printing of which was sponsored by the Lutheran Heritage Foundation—was an emotional event. Reflecting the catechism’s importance, the assembly saw several sessions on it led by President Fernandez in both Spanish and Quechua.

The Christian Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bolivia is an associate member of the International Lutheran Council, a global association of confessional Lutheran church bodies.


LCMS President greets WELS and ELS Lutherans

LCMS President Matthew Harrison and WELS President Mark Schroeder. (Image: Screenshot).

USA – The Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) and the Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS) recently held their 2021 national conventions, and President Matthew Harrison of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) was present at both to bring greetings—the first LCMS President to do so in more than sixty years.

For almost a century, the LCMS enjoyed fellowship with both WELS and the ELS through the Evangelical Lutheran Synodical Conference. The middle of the twentieth century, however, saw the LCMS undergo a period of doctrinal controversy, leading the ELS to end fellowship in 1955 and WELS to do the same in 1961. WELS and ELS remain in fellowship together.

LCMS President Harrison addresses the ELS convention. (Image: Screenshot).

In his greetings to the two church bodies, President Harrison acknowledged the reasons why the ELS and WELS broke fellowship with the LCMS in 1955 and 1961. “It had to be done to avoid the tragic events which would play out in the history of the Missouri Synod in the next decades,” he said to the WELS convention. “Thankfully,” President Harrison noted in his remarks to the ESL convention, “the Lord granted us a new day,” with God leading the synod through the doctrinal challenges of the mid-twentieth century to reaffirm its allegiance to the authority of Scripture.

While the reestablishment of fellowship between the LCMS and the ELS and WELS is not currently on the horizon, President Harrison said he is grateful for renewed contact between the church bodies in recent years. Since 2012, the LCMS, WELS, and ELS have held annual informal discussions which have fostered greater understanding and goodwill between the churches. A 2015 report on these meetings highlighted the discovery of significant doctrinal agreement. Each church body has also adopted synodical resolutions encouraging continued discussions between the churches.

During his greetings, President Harrison also expressed condolences to the ELS on the sudden death of President John Moldstad, who went to be with the Lord on January 29, 2021. He gave thanks to God also for continued friendship and discussion with WELS President Mark Schroeder as well as new ELS President Glenn Obenberger.

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod is a member church of the International Lutheran Council (ILC), a global association of confessional Lutheran church bodies. The WELS and ELS are both members of the Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Conference (CELC). Member churches of the CELC, including WELS and ELS, recently joined the ILC, LCMS, and other Lutheran churches worldwide as signatories to a joint letter expressing concern over religious freedom concerns in Finland.


Finnish Lutherans enter into fellowship with the LCMS

ELMDF Bishop Risto Soramies speaks on fellowship discussions with The LCMS during the Finnish church’s Diocesan Assembly.

FINLAND – On November 14, 2020, the Evangelical Lutheran Mission Diocese of Finland (Suomen evankelisluterilainen lähetyshiippakunta – ELMDF) unanimously declared altar and pulpit fellowship with The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). The decision came during the ELMDF’s annual Diocesan Assembly, held this year online as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. The LCMS for its part also expressed recognition of fellowship in a letter of greeting presented to the ELMDF gathering.

Bishop Risto Soramies of the ELMDF, who led the church’s dialogue with the LCMS, hailed the decision as a way of deepening connections between the two churches based on a common faith. “Now our parishioners can commune with each other, and our pastors can preach at each other’s services,” he noted. He also looked forward to closer cooperation on theological education and in the fields of mission. “It is encouraging for us to see how the Mission Diocese is recognized as a church and our work is valued,” he continued.

In a letter to the Diocesan Assembly, President Matthew Harrison of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod expressed joy at the prospect of an official declaration of fellowship. “Your hospitality, service to Christ, and commitment to Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions in the face of opposition remain an example and encouragement to me and to our entire church,” President Harrison said. “It is with special joy and thanksgiving that I write on behalf of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod humbly to extend our hand of fellowship to the Evangelical Lutheran Mission Diocese of Finland.”

Fellowship discussions between the LCMS and the ELMDF first began in 2017. “Since that time, we have conducted substantial conversations about a variety of matters before coming to agreement that we believe, teach, and confess the same doctrine, as it is revealed by the Word of God and contained in the Lutheran Confessions,” President Harrison noted. As a result of those discussions, the LCMS’ Commission on Theology and Church Relations voted unanimously to recognize fellowship with the ELMDF, leading President Harrison to declare fellowship on behalf of the LCMS in his letter. In the LCMS, the president of synod is able to recognize fellowship immediately in situations like these, with a vote to endorse the decision to follow at the next synodical convention—in this case, in July 2021.

In a letter to President Harrison following the vote, Bishop Soramies expressed joy over the declaration of fellowship between the two churches. “The Missouri Synod has been a strong partner for many other confessional churches around the world,” he noted. “We are deeply thankful for this fellowship which is, and will certainly continue to be, a blessing for God’s people.”

The Evangelical Lutheran Mission Diocese of Finland and The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod are both member churches of the International Lutheran Council, a global association of confessional Lutheran church bodies.


Remembering World War II 75 Years Later

An Unexpected Visit

75 years ago the most terrible of all world wars ended in Europe…

A personal reflection by the The Rev. Dr. Hans-Jörg Voigt, Bishop of the Independent Evangelical Lutheran Church (SELK) in Germany and Chairman of the International Lutheran Council


It was at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Gross Oesingen, one of our congregations in the Lüneburg Heath region of northern Germany. A few months after the unconditional surrender of the German army some pastors of the then Evangelical Lutheran Free Church had assembled. It was November 1 of the year 1945. Among them was the local Pastor Martin Hein, as well as the Pastor from Hannover, Hans Kirsten. The worst war that ever emanated from German territory had ended with a resounding defeat and the signing of the instruments of capitulation just a few months earlier.

Perplexity and a sense of helplessness was keenly felt by all the pastors. All around them there were refugees on the farms and in emergency housing in the cities. There were still some food supplies, especially from the reserves of the military, but hunger and the first post-war winter were approaching.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door of Farmer Käppel’s house next to the church. Pastor Hein got up to open the door. A tall, lanky man appeared, dressed in suit and hat, accompanied by a GI in uniform, who had driven the American military limousine; they were obviously US-Americans. The visitor introduced himself, speaking German with a Texan accent, as the President of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). “How can we help you?” John William Behnken (1884-1968) asked. “What can we do for you and your congregations?” He was LCMS President from 1935 to 1962. President Behnken was the first American church representative who was allowed to visit Germany. After his trip he personally reported to the President of the United States, Harry S. Truman.

Even today we can still feel the emotions of that moment. Not much earlier American troops and their allies had paid a bloody toll as they invaded Normandy in France in order to end the ravages of war by force. And just a few weeks later the question: “How can we help you?” The German pastors had not expected that.

It is a fact that The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod provided considerable help in the reconstruction and re-organization of the independent Lutheran confessional churches in Germany. The foundation of our Lutheran Seminary (now in Oberursel) was made possible in large part by the LCMS. Many congregations of the LCMS participated massively by sending Care Packages very soon after the war. The 75th Anniversary of Germany’s liberation provides opportunity to remember in gratitude the help offered so soon after the war

A change of scenery: In 2018 I visited one of the Lutheran congregations in London, England. My friend, the Rev. John Ehlers, had invited me to preach in the service. After worship Pastor Ehlers introduced me to an elderly lady and informed me that during World War II she had served as a nurse, and she frequently she had to take care of the victims caused by the German air raids. The lady said to me: “You’re the first German to preach in this church. It is good that our peoples are now so close to one another.” I have never forgotten this.

Without doubt May 8, 1945 was a day of liberation. All the horror which German refugees, the victim of the bombings, and the soldiers had to endure had its origin in that ideological dictatorship that caused this war and not the final outcome. In 1945 the full extent of the horror and the utter monstrosity of the mass murder of the Jews was not yet fully revealed, but almost everyone knew what was going on.

An American philosopher of Spanish descent, George Santayana (1863 – 1952), said: “He who learns nothing from history is condemned to repeat its mistakes.” I do not know know whether this is true in all cases. But it is one of the strengths of Germany’s policy of remembrance not to suppress the shameful crimes of the past but to keep them in our collective memory. President Behnken’s visit and the readiness to forgive on the part of that nurse in London I regard as more than just a sign for the power of Christian reconciliation. That reconciliation is based on Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross.


Hans-Jörg Voigt

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