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Lutherans in the Philippines recovering from devastating typhoons

Church members gather for worship and support following typhoons in the Philippines.

PHILIPPINES – The Lutheran Church in the Philippines (LCP) continues to recover from devastating typhoons in late 2024.

LCP members visit a congregation for support.

Beginning in late October through November, multiple typhoons—Trami (Kristine), Kong-rey (Leon), Yinxing (Marce), Toraji (Nika), Usagi-(Ofel), and Man-yi (Pepito)— swept across the Philippines, leaving devastation in their paths. The country saw widespread flooding, landslides, and destruction across many provinces, especially in the regions of Bicol, Calabarzon, and Cagayan Valley. Entire communities were submerged, crops destroyed, and thousands of families lost their homes. LCP members living in Calabarzon region and in Cagayan Valley were particularly hit hard.

“It’s hard to imagine the pain of losing loved ones, your home, and your means of livelihood all at once,” said LCP President Antonio del Rio Reyes. “Yet amidst all of this, I have seen incredible resilience and faith in these communities. They are doing their best to pick up the pieces but the journey is long, and they can’t do it alone.”

Eight church buildings of the LCP in Cagayan Province and Ilocos Norte were damaged during the storms, with the parsonage of St. Paul Lutheran Church in Ballesteros suffering severe destruction. No church workers or members were injured during the storms but—like numerous people across the Philippines—many had difficulty accessing basic necessities and experienced damage to their homes.

Making repairs to a damaged roof.

In the immediate aftermath, LCP pastors reached out with spiritual care to their members. With the financial support of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), the LCP also extended emergency relief to 276 affected families from Cagayan Province/Ilocos Norte and 71 families in Batangas. These funds have helped affected families access basic necessities and will also help with repairs for damaged homes—for example, by making repairs to damaged roofs.

“On behalf of the LCP, I would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for the help extended by the LCMS,” President Reyes said. “It was indeed a blessing—an expression of deep concern and love for those who suffered the aftermath of the strong typhoons that came to our country. Your kindness will always be treasured in our hearts. Thank you for bearing with us. May God bless you and the LCMS for your thoughtfulness and generosity.”

The Lutheran Church in the Philippines and the LCMS are members of the International Lutheran Council (ILC), a global association of confessional Lutheran church bodies.


Lutheran Church in the Philippines elects new president, requests prayers following Typhoon Hagupit


PHILIPPINES – Rev. Antonio Reyes was elected President of the Lutheran Church in the Philippines (LCP) at their 23rd General Convention held October 20-24 in Baguio City.

The theme for 2014’s National Convention was taken from 1 Peter 3:18—“Christ suffered and crucified for you, the righteous for the unrighteous.” Outgoing President James Cerdeñola preached for the opening service of the convention at St. Stephen Lutheran Church.

President Cerdeñola was first elected president of the church body in 2004. He will be remembered as the president who oversaw the reunification of the Filipino Lutheran church. In 2012, after 24 years of division in the church, both sides of the two factions voted to reconcile at a joint convention.


President Antonio Reyes speaks at a Church Workers Disaster Response conference sponsored by The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod in November 2014. (Image: Facebook)

President Reyes was elected after the second ballot in a close election. He had previously served as President of the Visayas-Mindanao District of the LCP and further served as the LCP’s Disaster Response Leader—work that was of vital importance following 2013’s devastating super typhoon.

In November 2013, Super Typhoon Haiyan claimed more than 7,000 lives and devastated multiple communities. The Lutheran Church in the Philippines was hit hard by the typhoon, with churches, parsonages, and members suffering devastating losses. In response, the LCP immediately began offering disaster relief. It was supported in this ministry work by its partner churches in the International Lutheran Council, contributing nearly $700,000 USD in relief aid by May 2014.

In December 2014, worries that another super typhoon could devastate the Philippines were allayed when Hagupit hit the Philippines in a weakened form December 6. It landed as a category 3 typhoon but by December 9 it had been downgraded to a tropical depression. While at least 27 people were killed during Hagupit’s journey through the country and a number of rural communities were affected, the damage was less severe than expected. In the lead-up to Hagupit’s landing, the government had evacuated 1.7 million people.

“God answers prayers indeed,” said President Antonio Reyes. “I am happy to inform you that no one among our brethren in Leyte has been badly affected by Typhoon Hagupit, which turned out to be just a typhoon not a supertyphoon. This development has given me more strength and encouragement.”

“I cannot stop thanking God for you and your prayers showing your deep concern and love for us here,” he continued. “Thank you so much. This is a confirmation that with God through Christ nothing is impossible. Our joint prayers and supplication has touched His heart. Let us continue to pray for restoration of those who suffered damages. Your support and prayers are more than welcome.”

The Lutheran Church in the Philippines has approximately 25,000 members. It is a member church of the International Lutheran Council, and currently holds the position of Asia Area Representative on the ILC’s Executive Council.


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