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International Lutheran Council

ILC World Seminaries Conference opens in Argentina

ARGENTINA – The International Lutheran Council’s (ILC) 8th World Seminaries Conference is taking place from June 11-14 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The theme for the conference is “Church and State: Challenges and Opportunities for Seminary Education.”

Participating in this year’s conference are representatives from the seminaries and theological programs of 21 church bodies in 19 different countries, as well as a number of other guests. Nations represented at the conference include Argentina, Canada, England, Germany, Ghana, India, Kenya, Latvia, Nigeria, Norway, Paraguay, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, the United States of America, and Venezuela.

Theological Perspectives on Church and State

ILC Chairman Juhana Pohjola speaks at the 2024 World Seminaries Conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The morning of the first day of the conference featured a presentation by Bishop Juhana Pohjola of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission Diocese of Finland (ELMDF). Bishop Pohjola, who also serves as Chairman of the International Lutheran Council, presented on “Theological Perspectives on Church and State.”

“The question of spiritual and earthy authority and how they relate to each other has been an issue for every Christian generation,” Bishop Pohjola noted. Different periods of history have seen different approaches to the question: sometimes the state has been elevated over the Church; sometimes the Church has exercised authority over the state; and sometimes they have been treated as entirely different entities that are unrelated to each other.

Lutherans take a different view, Bishop Pohjola continued. “The three estates—Church, marriage, and the civil state—are instituted by God and are His good gifts,” he explained. For that reason, Christians are called to actively participate in all these areas, “always recognizing that the civil state power is not absolute but limited.”

Christians must recognize therefore “not a separation but a distinction between civil authority and the Church” without confusing them, Bishop Pohjola said. “The civil power may not interfere with the holy calling of the Church to preach the salvific Gospel of Christ,” he explained, “and the Church must not use sword and coercion in her mission or focus on civic and mundane matters in a way that overshadows her true calling.” The state is based on the Law, and is “guided by reason and justice grounded on man’s moral nature written in one’s heart.” It looks to the things of this world. But the Church is based on the Gospel: it has, “with its Word and Sacrament ministry, different methods and ends than the secular authorities.” It must speak prophetically to wider society; but it must remain “vigilant that her message… remains always Christ-, cross-, and salvation-centered.”

Bishop Pohjola went on to explain Luther’s conception of two kinds of righteousness in relation to Church and state; to explain how God’s good gifts of church and state can be corrupted to persecute the true Church; the Church’s call to obey conscience and God’s Word in the face of outward pressure; and the importance of the Church in a post-Constantinian age to learn anew how to live like the Pre-Constantine church.

Plenary discussion on the topic followed the presentation.

Worship and Greetings

The ILC Seminaries Relation Committee: Rev. Dr. Jun-Hyun Kim (Asia), Rev. Dr. Klaus Detlev Schulz (ILC General Secretary), Rev. Dr. Sergio Schelske (Latin America), Rev. Dr. Roland Ziegler (North America & Committee Chairman), Rev. Dr. Joseph Tom Omolo (Africa), and Dr. Cynthia Lumley (Europe).

Prior to Bishop Pohjola’s talk, the conference formally opened with a service of Matins. Serving as liturgist was Rev. Prof. Clécio Leocir Schadech of Argentina, who is conference chaplain, and accompanying on piano was Rev. Claudio Hennig, also of Argentina. Rev. Dr. Roland Ziegler, professor at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana, preached for the first service of Matins. Dr. Ziegler is also chairman of the ILC Seminary Relations Committee as well as its North America representative.

IELA President Arturo Truenow speaks at the ILC’s 2024 World Seminaries Conference.

Following worship, participants were welcomed to Argentina by President Arturo Truenow of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Argentina (Iglesia Evangelica Luterana Argentina – IELA). “It is a joy to have you here,” President Truenow said. “May God give us a pleasant time for reflection,” he said, “and nurture us with the Gospel.” President Truenow also discussed the context in which the Argentinian church operates, noting also several milestones in the life of the IELA, including the 80th anniversary of its seminary in 2022 and the upcoming 120th anniversary of the IELA in 2025.

Dr. Sergio Schelske shows some of the books given to the seminary in Argentina by the ILC.

Rev. Dr. Roland Ziegler then brought greetings from the ILC Seminary Relations Committee, which organizes the triennial World Seminaries Conference. He also expressed thanks to those who have helped organize the event, especially the ILC’s Business Manager, Alison Blodgett; and Rev. Dr. Sergio Schelske, Latin America representative on the Seminary Relations Committee and Director of the IELP’s Seminario Concordia, which is hosting the conference. In thanks for the seminary’s hospitality, the ILC presented it with a series of Concordia Commentary volumes, published by Concordia Publishing House (CPH).

Later in the morning, the conference received video greetings from Concordia Publishing House. CPH is a valued partner of the International Lutheran Council, especially in theological education through the ILC’s Lutheran Leadership Development Program (LLDP). All delegates to the World Seminaries Conference received a gift subscription from CPH for their new digital app of The Lutheran Study Bible. The ILC also gave each participant a copy of the book, Lutheran Preaching? Law and Gospel Proclamation, which was also published by CPH.

ILC General Secretary Klaus Detlev Schulz greets the conference.

The morning ended with greetings from Rev. Dr. Klaus Detlev Schulz, General Secretary of the ILC. “The value of this conference is crucial,” Dr. Schulz said, given the increasing challenges to confessional Lutheran faith and practice in the world today. “I believe that we as Lutheran pastors, instructors, and teachers have a duty to promote our faith in such a way that students understand it, take it on, and promote it among their churches and elsewhere.”


Find more news on the ILC’s 2024 World Seminaries Conference here.

The ILC is Hiring: Fund Development Professional

USA – The International Lutheran Council (ILC) is seeking to hire a full-time Mission Advocate.

The ILC Mission Advocate will be an experienced fund development professional, and will lead a fund development plan in order to grow and sustain ILC infrastructure. This position offers a salary based on the candidates experience and includes a full benefits package including health care, retirement, and paid time off (PTO).

A full description of the position, including essential job functions; education and experience required; and knowledge, skills, and abilities required is available online here.

Resumes should be sent to


Lutherans in Turkey and Bulgaria join the ILC

The ILK congregation in Istanbul, Turkey.

TURKEY – The International Lutheran Council (ILC) has welcomed the Istanbul Lutheran Church (İstanbul Luteryen Kilisesi – ILK)/Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bulgaria (Евангелиска Лутеранска Църква в България – ELCB) as an observer member in the ILC. The decision came at a meeting of the ILC’s board of directors earlier this year.

“It is a joy to welcome the Istanbul Lutheran Church/Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bulgaria into the International Lutheran Council,” said ILC General Secretary Klaus Detlev Schulz. “We thank God for this new partnership, and we pray that God will bless our work together on behalf of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”

The ILK/ELCB has applied also for full membership in the International Lutheran Council, but decisions on full membership can take place only at a World Conference. The ILC’s next World Conference will take place in 2025.

“We are very glad that the ILC has granted us observer status, and we are grateful that God provides His people with opportunities for fellowship, cooperation, and solidarity,” said Rev. Bahadir Argönül of the Istanbul Lutheran Church. In fact, this connection with other faithful Lutherans was the impetus behind the church’s decision to apply in the first place. “We want to join the ILC in order to get to know other churches with whom we share a common confessional Lutheran faith,” explained Leading Pastor Feymi Madjirov of Peshtera, “and to work together with them for the proclamation of the Gospel and the Lutheran doctrine.”

The ELCB congregation in Peshtera, Bulgaria.

The ILK/ELCB is one church body serving Turkish-speaking Lutherans in two nations: Turkey and Bulgaria. Lutheranism was first established in Turkey in 1709, when Sweden sent a Lutheran pastor to serve in Constantinople. A chapel built on the grounds of the Swedish Embassy followed in 1748. That Lutheran ministry came to a hiatus near the end of the 19th century, but late in the 20th century, Finnish Lutherans living in Turkey came together to form a new congregation out of the original chapel. The congregation called Rev. Risto Soramies—who would later become Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission Diocese of Finland (ELMDF)—to serve as their first pastor, as he had previously served a Turkish-speaking Lutheran congregation in Germany.

The Istanbul Lutheran Church was formally established in 2003, with its Bulgarian branch—the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bulgaria—following in 2005. Today the church has about 200 members, with two congregations in Turkey (Istanbul and Ismir) and two congregations in Bulgaria (Peshtera and Krushevo).

The International Lutheran Council is a global association of confessional Lutheran church bodies which proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, grounded in the authority of Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions.


Brazil’s Lutherans reach out amidst catastrophic flooding

Devastating flooding in Brazil. Photo: Ricardo Stuckert. CC BY-SA 2.0.

BRAZIL – Lutherans in Brazil are reaching out with the love of Christ as they struggle in the aftermath of devastating floods—the worst the country has experienced in 80 years.

Beginning at the end of April and continuing through May, the state of Rio Grande do Sul has experienced massive flooding. More than 160 people are confirmed dead, others are still missing, and hundreds more are injured. Nearly 600,000 people have been displaced, with close to 70,000 people currently living in emergency shelters.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Brazil (Igreja Evangelica Luterana do Brasil – IELB) is experiencing the devastation firsthand; more than half of the church’s members live in the affected state. “In Rio Grande do Sul, heavy rains are causing destruction like never before,” explains IELB President Geraldo Schüler. “There are hundreds of municipalities partially or completely destroyed. Many people have died because of the floods and landslides, thousands of homes have been destroyed, and many people are missing.”

Congregação Concórdia, a 120 year old IELB church in São Leopoldo, under water. Photo: IELB.

The IELB reports that 14 of their churches are known to have suffered damage in the flooding; some, like the Congregação São João in Novo Hamburgo, still remain submerged. A number of Lutheran schools have also been affected. Seven pastors have completely lost their homes and everything inside them. Other pastors managed to save a few belongings and escape by car, while others lost even their cars. The full impact on church members remains impossible to assess at this point, but many of them have lost their homes and been displaced.

Flooding at Editora Concórdia. Photo: IELB.

The church’s publishing house, Editora Concórdia, also remains underwater. “We still don’t have a real understanding of how things are there,” the IELB reports, “and we confess, we are afraid of what we will find.”

“This catastrophe is unprecedented,” says IELB Vice President Airton Schroeder, who oversees social ministry in the church body. But while the creation may have been devastated, he says, “the Creator remains the same yesterday, today and forever. The Creator has shown His mercy through Christians and non-Christians alike, caring for one another. But He has especially demonstrated His mercy through those who, in the midst of tragedy, look to the cross and realize that human life on Earth is temporary and testify to the love of Jesus Christ in words and actions, working to minimize the suffering of their neighbour.”

Lutherans reach out

Relief efforts at the Lutheran University of Brazil. Photo: IELB.

Even as Rio Grande do Sul is facing an increasingly dire humanitarian situation, Brazil’s Lutherans are reaching out with critical care and support. The Lutheran University of Brazil in Canoas, for example, is hosting more than 8,000 people who have been displaced—the largest such shelter in the country. In São Leopoldo, meanwhile, the church’s seminary, Seminário Concórdia, is likewise hosting displaced people who have been referred to them by the city, primarily elderly people and those with special needs. Faculty, students, and family are all involved in caring and feeding those on campus, as well as distributing food to people in other locations.

Faculty, students, and families at Seminário Concórdia prepare food for those affected by the floods. Photo: IELB.

“We are facing many difficulties because of this huge flooding,” said President Schüler. “But this is also an important opportunity for the church to share God’s great love, and this is being done in a wonderful way through the congregations and institutions linked to the IELB.” IELB congregations have provided assistance in numerous ways, ranging from rescuing people caught in the flooding; providing shelter in unaffected buildings; collecting and distributing necessities like food, water, blankets, clothing, and hygiene goods; raising emergency funds; and of course providing pastoral care to people in the midst of great suffering.

As of May 22, the IELB has raised more than R$1,850,000 for relief work, and already distributed R$500,000 for emergency food, life-protecting supplies, and other needs. You can find out more about the IELB’s ongoing response to the crisis and its Disaster Response Fund on the IELB’s website here (in Portuguese).

Chances are the work will continue for some time. Authorities have suggested it will be months—perhaps even years—before life in in the affected areas returns to normal.

“I encourage all Christians around the world to remember Brazil in prayer,” said General Secretary Klaus Detlev Schulz of the International Lutheran Council (ILC). “The people are facing great sorrow and loss in this time. May God strengthen the work of authorities as they seek to preserve life and property in Brazil. And may He bless the work of our friends in the IELB, as they offer practical care and comfort in the name of Jesus Christ to all those who have been affected by this tragedy.”

The ILC, of which the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Brazil is a member, is a global association of confessional Lutheran churches grounded in the authority of Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions.


A “Fabulous” LLDP session in Wittenberg

Participants stand in front of the Church of St. Anne with Eisleben in the background. From the left: Rev. Johanesa Andriamanarinjato, Bishop of Fisakana Synod, Malagasy Lutheran Church (FLM); Rev. Dr. Yohana Nzelu, Bishop of South East of Lake Victoria Diocese, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (SELVD-ELCT); Rev. Ambele Mwaipopo, Bishop of Lake Tanganyika Diocese (LTD-ELCT); Rev. Fredirick Flores, Secretary of North Luzon Highland District, Lutheran Church in the Philippines (LCP); Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison, President of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS); Rev. Peter Abia, Presiding Bishop of Evangelical Lutheran Church in South Sudan and Sudan (ELCSS/S); Rev. Dr. Yacob Godebo, Director of PhD Program at Mekane Yesus Seminary (MYS), Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY); Rev. Martin Paul, Third Pastor in the Synodical Council, Free Evangelical Lutheran Synod in South Africa (FELSISA); Rev. Jackson Mushendwa, Bishop of Western Diocese (WD-ELCT); Rev. Dr. David Imuk, Rector of Jonathan Ekong Memorial Lutheran Seminary (JEMLS), Lutheran Church of Nigeria (LCN); Rev. Boss Sebeelo, Deputy Bishop of Lutheran Church in Southern Africa (LCSA); and Rev. Dr. Naomichi Masaki, Director of the Lutheran Leadership Development Program (LLDP) and Professor at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne (CTSFW).

GERMANY – Church leaders from eight countries in Africa and Asia gathered in Wittenberg in late February for a session of the Lutheran Leadership Development Program (LLDP). This two-year program holds one of its six sessions in Wittenberg so participants can experience the birthplace of the Reformation.

Rev. Dr. Naomichi Masaki teaches “Theology of the Lutheran Confessions.”

During the first week, LLDP Director, Rev. Dr. Naomichi Masaki, taught “Theology of the Lutheran Confessions.” President Matthew Harrison of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) joined for the second week to lead “History of the Lutheran Church.” As an important component of their studies, participants visited many sites significant in the unfolding of the Reformation.

In Wittenberg, the participants explored Luther House, Melanchthon House, Cranach House, Luther’s Oak, Leucorea (University of Wittenberg), City Church (St. Mary’s), Castle Church, Luther and Melanchthon’s Monuments, City Hall, and of course the Old Latin School where the managing director, Rev. Dr. Wilhelm Weber, welcomed LLDP to use its chapel for daily Matins. Outside Wittenberg, the group travelled to Eisleben to visit Luther’s birth and death houses, the Church of Sts. Peter and Paul where Luther was baptized, the Church of St. Andrew where he preached his last sermon, the Church of St. Anne—perhaps the first Lutheran Church ever built—and Luther’s parents’ house in nearby Mansfeld.

Participants pose outside Luther’s Room at the Wartburg, where Luther began his translation of the Bible during his ten month stay at the castle.

The participants also visited Torgau Castle and its church, the house in which the Torgau Articles (later incorporated into the Augsburg Confession) were drafted, the Church of St. Mary’s where Katharina Luther is buried, and Georg Spalatin’s house. On their way to Torgau, they visited a field in Falkenberg near Mühlberg where Elector John Frederick was captured during the Smalcald League war. The group journeyed to Wartburg Castle as well, and the Augustinian Monastery in Erfurt and the Church of Sts. Peter and Paul in Weimar. In each of the places they visited outside Wittenberg during their second week, President Harrison gave helpful commentary, capturing the significance of each location at the time of the Reformation.

In terms of classroom learning, Dr. Masaki was very pleased with the result of his week-long class on the “Theology of the Lutheran Confessions,” particularly because each participant, without exception, expressed his quia subscription to the Book of Concord. This included those who had come from Lutheran Church bodies associated with an ecumenical communion where Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions are doubted or even denied as norma normans and norma normata. One of the participants observed: “I came to understand not only that each article of doctrine relates to each other, with Christ at the centre as the Saviour and justifier of all sinners, but also that pure doctrine and confessional fellowship is what our brothers, even those who came from the liberal ecumenical communion, are also hungry and thirsty for.” Another participant commented: “Through this wonderful class, the importance of the Book of Concord was not only highlighted but also brought to life by working with its content. It was tremendous to have Dr. Masaki as lecturer, as he is passionate about the Lutheran Confessions, and has given a very positive impact upon all of us. Whenever we had questions, he was always ready to answer them.”

Participants stand on the bridge between the two bell towers of St. Mary’s Church in Wittenberg, with the Castle Church visible in the back right—a rare opportunity not often given to visitors.

As a concluding exercise of for the first week’s class, all participants made concrete plans as to how they will continue studies of the Book of Concord themselves, as well as how they will encourage their ecclesial leadership to teach and promote the Lutheran Confessions among the pastors and people in their church bodies back home. They are all convinced how important the Scriptures and the Book of Concord are because the confessional fidelity separates true Lutheranism from the Lutheran Church in name only. After all, they said, the Lutheran Confessions—as the sound exposition of Scripture—comfort them as Christians and give them enormous encouragement for pastoral ministry. 

LCMS President Harrison was one of the four signatories who initiated the LLDP back in 2017. Director Masaki was grateful to have him as an instructor this time. Participants commented on President Harrison’s class: “Through his course, it became absolutely clear that the Reformation was not a myth but a historical fact, having Luther and other Reformers sacrificing their very lives.” “It was absolutely different to hear about it or read about it in books and to visit the historic places.” The impact of hearing the stories of the Reformation gave each participant a lasting impact. Another participant mentioned: “What an excellent opportunity! I will ever remain grateful for this occasion. It was a special privilege to have President Harrison as our instructor for this course. Since he has a special interest in Lutheran history, he conveyed it to us students by simply speaking about it with much joy and deep confidence.”

President Harrison teaches “History of the Lutheran Church.”

During his class, President Harrison related to the participants not only as an instructor of a course but also as a fellow and senior churchman—a colleague as a leader of a Lutheran church body. He particularly focused his attention to the duties of visitation as bishop, superintendent, and president of the church body, exploring the historic documents which discuss this, and elaborating significant points both theologically and practically. His evangelical instruction on church leadership with passion and joy left a great impression on participants.

A few days after his session, President Harrison reflected on his days in Wittenberg, saying: “Fabulous memories. It was terrific! I had just a deepest joy to be among such faithful Lutheran leaders as our LLDP participants. I can’t thank the Lord enough for the tremendous work that the LLDP has been rendering. I am so glad to be a part of it. What a joy and privilege! Glory be to God!”

The next session of the LLDP will be held at Concordia Theological Seminary (Fort Wayne, Indiana) in June and July.

You can support the work of the Lutheran Leadership Development Program by making a donation online. You can also mail a donation by cheque to:

International Lutheran Council
P.O. Box 10149
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46850 USA


Inaugural meeting of the Concordia Lutheran-Catholic Augustana Working Group

The Augustana Working Group holds its inaugural meeting in Rome on March 1, 2024.

On March 1, 2024, the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity (DPCU) hosted the inaugural meeting of the Concordia Lutheran–Catholic Augustana Working Group, which met in Rome until March 2, 2024.

Cardinal Kurt Koch, Prefect of the DPCU, welcomed the members of the working group and encouraged them to explore the pre-confessional/ecumenical potential of the Augsburg Confession in more detail in view of the 500th anniversary of the Confessio Augustana in 2030.

The Augustana Working Group includes representatives of the International Lutheran Council (ILC) and the Catholic Church. Following the conclusion of the theological conversations between the ILC, an association of Concordia Lutheran churches, and the Catholic Church (2014–2019), both sides suggested the establishment of a working group as a distinct ecumenical-theological format.

The working group is not an official dialogue commission. The aim is not to produce a document of churchly consensus. However, the publication of the results of the joint research is intended to enrich the ecumenical discussion in an indirect way.

The working group is headed by two episcopal chairmen: on the Lutheran side by Bishop Dr. Juhana Pohjola, Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission Diocese of Finland / Chairman of the ILC; and on the Catholic side by Auxiliary Bishop Dr. Peter Birkhofer, Freiburg im Breisgau.

The working topic is: “Catholicity and Apostolicity in the Augsburg Confession, Examined in the Areas of Soteriology (Justification) and Ecclesiology (Ministry, Episcopate, and Ordination): a joint Lutheran–Catholic review of Augsburg Confession in a pre-confessional and ecumenical perspective.”

A total period of four years is planned for working on the topic. The next meeting will take place in Wittenberg on December 9 and 10, 2024.

Participants from the International Lutheran Council (ILC)

  • Bishop Dr. Juhana Pohjola, Helsinki, Finland (Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission Diocese of Finland, ILC Chairman)
  • Prof. Dr. Joel Elowsky, St. Louis, Mo., USA
  • Prof. em. Dr. Werner Klän, D.Litt., Lübeck, Germany
  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Jonathan Mumme, Hillsdale, Mich., USA
  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Winger, St. Catharines, Ont., Canada
    Prof. Dr. Klaus Detlev Schulz, Fort Wayne, Ind., USA (ILC General Secretary) – part-time participant, but not a member

Catholic Participants

  • Auxiliary Bishop Dr. Peter Birkhofer, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
  • Prof. Dr. Markus Lersch, Siegen, Germany
  • Dr. Tim Lindfeld, Aachen, Germany
  • Asst. Prof. Dr. James Prothro, Greenwood Village, Color., USA
  • Father Dr. Augustinus Sander OSB, Vatican (Permanent Representative of the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity)


ILC gives thanks for Rev. Roger James’ service

Rev. Roger James at the ILC’s 2022 World Conference in Kenya. LCMS Communications/Erik M. Lunsford

USA – The International Lutheran Council (ILC) is giving thanks for Rev. Roger B. James, who has transitioned out of his role as Assistant to the General Secretary. Rev. James has accepted a position as interim pastor at Our Hope Lutheran Church in Huntertown, Indiana.

“My heart has always been with preaching and teaching and pastoral care,” said Rev. James, “but I treasure the few years I have had with the ILC. At its heart, the ILC is also about the Gospel and the Word of God—the same focus as in pastoral ministry. I and my wife Amy look forward to continuing to support the ILC with our gifts and prayers.”

The ILC’s Board of Directors issued a call to Rev. James in late 2020, and he was installed on January 31, 2021. He served the majority of his tenure under former General Secretary Timothy Quill, but he also assisted his successor, Rev. Dr. Klaus Detlev Schulz, since his installation in late 2023.

“Rev. James has played an important role in assisting the ILC during its expansion over the past three years,” said General Secretary Schulz. “He has provided guidance in the development of operating procedures and practices, assisted with major events, and made significant strides in helping to raise the profile of the ILC on the congregational level as well as developing strong relations with supporters.”

“I am also personally grateful for Rev. James’ assistance since my own installation as General Secretary,” Dr. Schulz continued. “We wish him every blessing in Christ as he enters into a new ministry opportunity.”

Prior to joining the ILC, Rev. James served as The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s (LCMS) South Asia Area Director as a missionary in Sri Lanka.


African Church Leaders gather for regional ILC conference

Participants in the ILC’s 2024 Africa Regional Conference.

KENYA – From February 6-8, Lutheran church leaders from across Africa gathered in Nairobi for the International Lutheran Council’s (ILC) 2024 Africa Regional Conference. The bishops and presidents of 22 different African church bodies were in attendance, hailing from the nations of Benin, Burundi, Cöte d’Ivoire, Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, and Uganda.

LCN Archbishop Christian Ekong presents during the conference.

Archbishop Joseph Omolo of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Kenya (ELCK), the Africa Region representative on the ILC’s Board of Directors, welcomed participants to Kenya and formally opened the conference. The gathering featured a number of presenters. Archbishop Christian Ekong of the Lutheran Church of Nigeria (LCN) spoke on the Lord’s Supper and practice in the Lutheran Church. Bishop Modise Maragelo of the Lutheran Church in Southern Africa (LCSA) discussed experiences of ecumenism in the African context. The ILC’s General Secretary, Rev. Dr. Klaus Detlev Schulz, addressed church relations and altar and pulpit fellowship. ELCK Archbishop Emeritus Walter Obare shared his reflections on relationships with the ILC and other world church organizations. Finally, Rev. Dr. Tom Omolo, Principle of the ELCK’s Neema Lutheran College, addressed the call to the public ministry and the issue of women’s ordination in the African context.

ILC General Secretary Klaus Detlev Schulz presents during the conference.

“It was wonderful to gather with African church leaders to discuss these important issues,” said ILC General Secretary Schulz. “God has raised up strong leaders for the African church, and their faithfulness to Christ and His Word is a strong witness to Christians the world over. May God continue to bless the work He is doing through the member churches of the ILC in Africa.”

Preaching for Matins and Vespers over the three days were Bishop Yohana Nzelu of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania – Southeast of Lake Victoria Diocese (ELCT-SELVD); Bishop Charles Bameka of the Lutheran Church of Uganda (LCU); LCN Archbishop Ekong; Bishop Helmut Paul of the Free Evangelical Lutheran Synod in South Africa (FELSISA); and Bishop Peter Anibati of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Sudan and South Sudan (ELCSSS). Clergy from the ELCK served as liturgists.

Bishop John Donkoh of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ghana leads discussion.

In addition to worship and lectures, participants at the conference also meet for regional meetings and conducted visits to various sites in Nairobi, including the offices of the Evangelical Lutheran of Kenya as well as Lutheran Heritage Foundation.

Participants also discussed the confusion that has arisen in the African context as a result of a recent doctrinal pronouncement in the Roman Catholic Church, which authorized its clergy to bless same-sex couples. In response, the ILC’s Africa Region adopted the following statement reaffirming their own adherence to historic Christian teaching in matters of human sexuality.

ILC Africa: Statement on the Blessing of Same-Sex Marriage

In response to the recent pronouncement by the Pope allowing Roman Catholic clergy to bless same-sex couples, and the support of same-sex marriage by civil authorities  (including some African countries), we the  International Lutheran Council (ILC)’s African Region, meeting in Nairobi from February 5-8, 2024, at Corat Africa, hereby affirm the ILC’s position that marriage is “the life-long union of one man and one woman and for the procreation and nurture of children.”

In this regard, sanctioning any other form of union, especially a same-sex union, is an affront to the authority of the Holy Scriptures and a direct opposition to the Law of God in the Sixth Commandment. It is our prayer that those who are falling into this vice may turn to the Word of God for guidance.


LLDP holds classes on ecumenism and hermeneutics

LLDP participants pose with instructor, Rev. Dr. Albert Collver, and LLDP Director, Rev. Dr. Naomichi Masaki. Front, left to right: Bishop Ambele Mwaipopo of the Lake Tanganyika Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (LTD-ELCT); Bishop Jackson Mushendwa of the Western Diocese of the ELCT (WD-ELCT); President Dr. Denis Rakotozafy of the Malagasy Lutheran Church (FLM); Dr. Collver; Dr. Masaki. Back row: Bishop Johanesa Andriamanarinjato of the Fisakana Synod of the FLM; Deputy Bishop Boss Sebeelo of the Lutheran Church in Southern Africa (LCSA); Bishop Dr. Yohana Nzelu of the South East of Lake Victoria Diocese of the ELCT (SELVD-ELCT); Rev. Dr. Yacob Godebo of Mekane Yesus Seminary of the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (MYS-EECMY); and Rev. Martin Paul, Third Minister in the Synodical Council of the Free Evangelical Lutheran Synod in South Africa (FELSISA).

USA – The Lutheran Leadership Development Program (LLDP) held its eighth session at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana (CTSFW) from November 6-17, 2023. This session offered courses on the ecumenical movement and hermeneutics.

November’s classes also saw the LLDP welcome three new participants into the second cohort of students: Rev. Martin Paul of the Free Evangelical Lutheran Synod in South Africa (FELSISA), who serves as Third Minister in its Synodical Council; Rev. Ambele Mwaipopo, Bishop of the Lake Tanganyika Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (LTD-ELCT); and Rev. Jackson Mushendwa, Bishop of the Western Diocese of the ELCT (WD-ELCT).

Rev. Dr. Albert Collver (left) and Rev. Dr. Naomichi Masaki (right) pose with new students Bishop Mwaipopo; Third Minister, Rev. Paul; and Bishop Mushendwa. The bishops hold copies of The Book of Concord, a gift from the LLDP.

Rev. Dr. Albert Collver, former ILC General Secretary, taught “World Lutheranism and the Ecumenical Movement” during the first week. This is one of the most important courses the LLDP offers, helping participants to understand the history of their own church better, as well as the organizations that their churches belong to. They also learn about church fellowship from a confessional Lutheran perspective. One bishop called the class “perfect,” saying it “has helped me to be capable of understanding and teaching what fellowship really is.” Another participant expressed gratitude for the “clear understanding” the instruction had brought him “in terms of church fellowship in the ecumenical context.”

Dr. Collver was pleased with the outcome of the class, observing that students had “increased their understanding of the Lutheran confession of fellowship” and “are resolved to teach this in their church bodies and dioceses.” His presentation, which contrasted the ILC’s understanding of fellowship with the liberal model taught by other world groups, encouraged participants to remain faithful to the confessional Lutheran position, articulated especially in Article 7 of the Augsburg Confession.

Dr. Charles Gieschen teaches on Lutheran Hermeneutics.

Dr. Charles Gieschen, CTSFW’s Provost, taught the second class of the November session: “Lutheran Hermeneutics.” The course enables participants to understand and criticize recent directions in biblical interpretation from a confessional Lutheran perspective, including the historical-critical method and several reader-oriented trends in hermeneutics. “The course has been inspiring,” one participant noted. “Professor Gieschen was great in pinpointing key areas of importance in hermeneutics both in history and practice. He has equipped us with the necessary skills for the interpretation of the Bible.”

“Our November session was another great success,” commented Rev. Dr. Naomichi Masaki, Director of the LLDP. “Working with such respected scholars and churchmen like Dr. Collver and Dr. Gieschen is a privilege and an honour. But what brings me the most tremendous joy and gratitude to the Lord is that our participants keep on growing in their understanding of sound doctrine and committing themselves to be faithful to the Saviour, Jesus Christ—even when doing so sometimes brings major sacrifices.”

LLDP participants enjoy dinner at the Masakis’.

“Our participants rejoice in the doctrine that Jesus has taught the whole Church,” he continued. “By listening to what the Lord speaks, and in receiving His gifts with eager thankfulness and praise, our participants are saying back to Him what He has said to them. They repeat, yes, confess, the Lord Jesus Christ. To witness to these wonderful things in each of our participants gives me joy that words cannot express. I continue to pray for our participants and their church bodies with deepest respect and thanksgiving. We rejoice in our partnership in the Gospel.”

The LLDP is a graduate-level program of the ILC dedicated to equipping confessional Lutheran leaders around the world with the theological and practical knowledge necessary to serve their church bodies effectively.

You can support the work of the Lutheran Leadership Development Program by making a donation online. You can also mail a donation by cheque to:

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PO Box 10149
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46850 USA


Confessing Christ: New video reflects on the mission of the ILC

Lutheran leaders from around the world discuss the mission of the International Lutheran Council.

ONLINE – In October 2023, Lutheran leaders from across the globe gathered in Wittenberg, Germany to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the International Lutheran Council (ILC). Now the ILC is releasing a video from that event, in which a number of church leaders from around the world reflect on the value of the ILC and its service to Christ and His Church.

In their remarks, these church leaders highlight the importance of the ILC to faithful Christians across the world—especially in places where biblically-grounded Christianity is waning. They further discuss how the ILC is positioned to continue its faithful witness to the Gospel into the future. The video ends with a message from the ILC’s new general secretary, Rev. Dr. Klaus Detlev Schulz.

While 2023 marked the 30th anniversary of the ILC’s reconstitution as a “council,” the full history of the organization goes back more than seventy years to 1952.

Additional information on the ILC’s anniversary celebrations can be found here.


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