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ILC World Seminaries Conference: Government Interference in Seminary Education

Rev. Dr. James A. Kellerman speaks during the ILC’s 2024 World Seminaries Conference.

ARGENTINA – The International Lutheran Council’s (ILC) 2024 World Seminaries Conference continued during the morning of June 12, addressing the issue of government interference in seminary education.

The morning began with a service of Matins, with Rev. Dr. Jun-Hyun Kim preaching. A lecture followed, with Rev. Dr. James A. Kellerman of Canada’s Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary (St. Catharines, Ontario) speaking. Dr. Kellerman discussed the challenges which face seminaries in terms of government interference. “Yes, seminaries are attacked and closed by governments,” he said. “But such events usually occur under regimes hostile to the idea of freedom of religion.” And even then, it is more common for pastor and members of local congregations to face anti-Christian persecution, not “a seminary located five hundred kilometres away.”

Still, the decline of religiosity and increase in secularization in places like Canada raise concerns for seminary education. Immigration holds back that secularization in part, since many immigrants “are more religious than native-born Canadians,” Dr. Kellerman noted. But their children are generally expected to adopt “secular values and become as indifferent to religion as native-born Canadians are.” With the decline in religion, then, seminaries and religious colleges in Canada continue to decline. “Canada is a perfect storm of secularism,” Dr. Kellerman explained. “Actual practice of religion (and especially Christianity) has sharply declined. Religion plays a small role in post-secondary education and none in politics. And everywhere you turn, you find virulent anti-Christian propaganda.”

Canadian law recognizes religion as a fundamental freedom, including its communal, public, and educational aspects, among others. But the existence of Canada’s notwithstanding clause means governments can theoretically suspend these rights—something notably done in Quebec with its Act Respecting the Laicity of the People, which bans government employees (including teachers) from wearing religious items of clothing, headgear, or jewelry. “The law underscores Quebec’s hostility to religion in the public sphere,” Dr. Kellerman noted, “but it does not directly interfere with church or seminary operations.”

There have also been worrying changes in prominent court cases touching on religious education. In 2001, for example, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that graduates from a teaching education program at Trinity Western University (an Evangelical college) could not be banned by the province. But in 2018, however, the Supreme Court ruled against the same university when it attempted to open a law school, permitting provincial law societies from banning graduates from the program.

Delegates discuss the topic of government interference in seminary education.

A different case ruled that religious schools could not be forced to teach its own faith in an “objective”—which is to say, secular—manner. “Seminaries can take heart,” Dr. Kellerman said. “If even [religious elementary and secondary] schools have the right to teach their faith in a non-neutral manner, how much more seminaries have that right.” Nevertheless, the cases against Trinity Western University in 2018 are a symptom of the religious atmosphere in Canada. Seminaries may not be called “to train students to serve in the public sphere,” he noted, but the rulings “underscore the secularization that the North Atlantic world is experiencing.”

“Seminaries in strongly secular countries do not necessarily face a great threat from direct government interference,” Dr. Kellerman says. But there is danger from other groups that “may have no legal authority but can muster great power.” For example, academic unions protest the right of religious institutions to require faculty to teach in accordance with the institution’s religious beliefs. A prominent union has expressly called on public universities to reject partnerships with any academic institution which requires its faculty to teach in conformity with a religious creed—a real concern for the numerous Christian seminaries in Canada which are housed on the grounds of public universities. So even when government is not actively interfering in seminary education, there may be other forces in the wider culture that threaten them.

“Part of our task as seminaries is to train pastors to guide their flock in a world increasingly hostile to the Christian faith,” Dr. Kellerman concluded.  “But, at the same time, we can rejoice and thank God that extreme secularization has not yet meant the government prevents seminaries from fulfilling their calling.”

Plenary discussion followed, during which seminary representatives discussed other aspects of potential government interference in seminary education around the world.

Asia and Europe report

Rev. Dr. P. R. Selvaraj.
Rev. Dr. Tom Park.

The morning also featured regional reports from representatives in the ILC’s Asia and Europe world regions.

The Asia region went first, with representatives speaking on the state of Lutheran theological education in India, Taiwan, and South Korea. Rev. Dr. P. R. Selvaraj, Principal of India’s Concordia Theological Seminary, Nagercoil, discussed the history and current status of their institution, which is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year. Rev. Dr. Tom Park, a theological educator from The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, discussed the situation in Taiwan, where confessional Lutherans are exploring establishing their own seminary. And Rev. Dr. Jun-Hyun Kim discussed the growth of the South Korean church’s Luther University.

Dr. Cynthia Lumley, Rev. Dr. Alexey Streltsov, Rt. Rev. Rinald Grants; Rev. Dr. Gilberto da Silva; Rev. Sakarias Ingolfsson; and Rev. Constantin Subbotin.

The Europe region reported next, with Dr. Cynthia Lumley of Westfield House, Cambridge in England providing a summary report outlining common challenges and opportunities seminaries in Europe are facing. Representatives of each of the six seminaries present then provided additional comment on their own institution’s current status: Rev. Dr. Alexey Streltsov, Rector of the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Russia; Rt. Rev. Rinald Grants of Luther Academy in Latvia; Rev. Dr. Gilberto da Silva of Lutherische Theologische Hochschule in Germany; Rev. Sakarias Ingolfsson of AdFontes in Norway and Iceland; Rev. Constantin Subbotin of the Ingrian church’s Theological Institute in Russia; and Dr. Lumley for Westfield House in England.


Find more news on the ILC’s 2024 World Seminaries Conference here.

ILC World Seminaries Conference: The Impact of Church and State on Theological Education

Rev. Dr. Jun-Hyun Kim and Rev. Prof. Clécio Schadech (both seated) answer questions during plenary discussion following their presentations.

ARGENTINA – The International Lutheran Council’s (ILC) 2024 World Seminaries Conference continued in the afternoon of June 11, with two presentations providing historical perspectives on the relationship between church and state and what it means for theological education.

Rev. Dr. Jun-Hyun Kim spoke first. His presentation, “The Korean Situation and Christian Education,” explored the afternoon’s topic from the perspective of countries—like his own—which have never had a majority Christian population. Dr. Kim is Interim President of Luther Theological University in South Korea, and serves as the Asia Representative on the ILC Seminary Relations Committee.

Rev. Dr. Jun-Hyun Kim presents at the ILC’s 2024 World Seminaries Conference.

Dr. Kim discussed the early history of Christianity in Korea, noting how it was Christian churches that brought modern education to the region and highlighting the role Christian schools played in fostering an environment for Korea’s independence movement during Japanese rule. He noted how “Japan’s enforcement of shrine worship was a serious challenge” to Christians, and that many schools chose to close rather than commit idolatry. But “because Christian missionaries played a very important role in Korea’s independence,” he noted, the new authorities after Korean independence permitted the establishment of Christian educational institutions.

In recent years, however, some Korean churches have begun to focus on social issues, and “as a result, churches began to be viewed as political gatherings,” he said. In this new context, governing authorities have begun to view Christian education more as a hindrance than a help, and have enacted new legislation which strips certain freedoms—namely, the ability to choose their own employees—from educational institutions founded by churches.

“It is true that the church must strive for social development,” Dr. Kim said. “However, these are secondary things compared to the primary goal of the church: praising and serving God. Therefore, the church should continue to have a humble and steady attitude and practice of being loyal to the small tasks entrusted to it first rather than leading the development of the world.” If we focus too much on social issues, he cautioned, we risk leaving ourselves exposed to unnecessary temptation and attacks from the outside world.

Rev. Prof. Clécio Schadech spoke next, addressing the theme from the perspective of countries that at one point had a majority Christian population but now no longer do. Prof. Schadech is a professor with Seminario Concordia in Argentina.

Prof. Schadech began his presentation by exploring the fortunes of the early Church in its Eastern context. For some time, he noted Christians lived in significant numbers in places like modern day Iran and Iraq. Even in what was “slowly becoming a Muslim world,” Prof. Schadech noted, “Eastern Christians played a critical role in politics and culture.” But toleration eventually changed to hostility, and the number of Christians in these regions diminished dramatically—from an overwhelming majority in some areas (and a large minority in others) to a tiny minority throughout the East.

Rev. Prof. Clécio Schadech presents at the ILC’s 2024 World Seminaries Conference.

Elsewhere in the world, Christians would themselves consolidate political power in response to political upheaval and predatory warlords. “A popular lay movement joined by reform-minded bishops called for a change,” Prof. Schadech explained, ultimately leading to a “renewal of the papacy as the supreme authority” in opposition to predatory earthly rulers. “As a consequence of the strength of the papal authority,” Prof. Schadech said, even the “supreme authority of the emperor over Christendom came to be questioned.” In time, the church would become synonymous with “Christendom” and the state would come to be viewed “as an instrument for the church.”

This was of course challenged in the Reformation, Prof. Schadech continued, with its understanding of the distinct roles of church and state. But in the centuries since, the concept of distinct roles has been supplanted instead by a complete separation between church and state, with spirituality increasingly relegated out of public and into the inner-life of the mind. “We are now living in a ‘post-secular’ context of ‘devaluated values,’ Prof. Schadech argued, “where everyone is invited to voluntarily construct his own spirituality, while in the public arena the ‘norms’ of society must prevail.”

In such a world, Prof. Schadech cautioned, Christians should not think of themselves as God’s “advocate.” Instead, he said, Christians should simply “proclaim God’s Word, faithfully distinguishing Law and Gospel, believing that the Word of God creates what it promises.”  The goal of theological education, therefore, must be to “train people to proclaim faithfully the Word for and in the world, without being too much concerned with the temporal structure of the church.”

Due to scheduling conflicts, the conference held Vespers after the plenary discussion which followed Dr. Kim and Prof. Schadech’s presentations. Rev. Dr. Joseph Tom Omolo, Principal of Neema Lutheran College in Kenya and Africa Region representative on the ILC’s Seminary Relations Committee, preached for the service.

The day concluded with a presentation by Rev. Dr. David InyangImuk on “The Challenge of Islam.” Because of problems with his flights, Dr. Imuk—who is Rector of Jonathan Ekong Memorial Lutheran Seminary in Nigeria—was unable to be present at the conference in person and spoke instead via livestream. The plenary discussion that followed explored the importance of understanding Islam better but also the challenges that it poses for Christians today.


Find more news on the ILC’s 2024 World Seminaries Conference here.

ILC World Seminaries Conference opens in Argentina

ARGENTINA – The International Lutheran Council’s (ILC) 8th World Seminaries Conference is taking place from June 11-14 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The theme for the conference is “Church and State: Challenges and Opportunities for Seminary Education.”

Participating in this year’s conference are representatives from the seminaries and theological programs of 21 church bodies in 19 different countries, as well as a number of other guests. Nations represented at the conference include Argentina, Canada, England, Germany, Ghana, India, Kenya, Latvia, Nigeria, Norway, Paraguay, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, the United States of America, and Venezuela.

Theological Perspectives on Church and State

ILC Chairman Juhana Pohjola speaks at the 2024 World Seminaries Conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The morning of the first day of the conference featured a presentation by Bishop Juhana Pohjola of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission Diocese of Finland (ELMDF). Bishop Pohjola, who also serves as Chairman of the International Lutheran Council, presented on “Theological Perspectives on Church and State.”

“The question of spiritual and earthy authority and how they relate to each other has been an issue for every Christian generation,” Bishop Pohjola noted. Different periods of history have seen different approaches to the question: sometimes the state has been elevated over the Church; sometimes the Church has exercised authority over the state; and sometimes they have been treated as entirely different entities that are unrelated to each other.

Lutherans take a different view, Bishop Pohjola continued. “The three estates—Church, marriage, and the civil state—are instituted by God and are His good gifts,” he explained. For that reason, Christians are called to actively participate in all these areas, “always recognizing that the civil state power is not absolute but limited.”

Christians must recognize therefore “not a separation but a distinction between civil authority and the Church” without confusing them, Bishop Pohjola said. “The civil power may not interfere with the holy calling of the Church to preach the salvific Gospel of Christ,” he explained, “and the Church must not use sword and coercion in her mission or focus on civic and mundane matters in a way that overshadows her true calling.” The state is based on the Law, and is “guided by reason and justice grounded on man’s moral nature written in one’s heart.” It looks to the things of this world. But the Church is based on the Gospel: it has, “with its Word and Sacrament ministry, different methods and ends than the secular authorities.” It must speak prophetically to wider society; but it must remain “vigilant that her message… remains always Christ-, cross-, and salvation-centered.”

Bishop Pohjola went on to explain Luther’s conception of two kinds of righteousness in relation to Church and state; to explain how God’s good gifts of church and state can be corrupted to persecute the true Church; the Church’s call to obey conscience and God’s Word in the face of outward pressure; and the importance of the Church in a post-Constantinian age to learn anew how to live like the Pre-Constantine church.

Plenary discussion on the topic followed the presentation.

Worship and Greetings

The ILC Seminaries Relation Committee: Rev. Dr. Jun-Hyun Kim (Asia), Rev. Dr. Klaus Detlev Schulz (ILC General Secretary), Rev. Dr. Sergio Schelske (Latin America), Rev. Dr. Roland Ziegler (North America & Committee Chairman), Rev. Dr. Joseph Tom Omolo (Africa), and Dr. Cynthia Lumley (Europe).

Prior to Bishop Pohjola’s talk, the conference formally opened with a service of Matins. Serving as liturgist was Rev. Prof. Clécio Leocir Schadech of Argentina, who is conference chaplain, and accompanying on piano was Rev. Claudio Hennig, also of Argentina. Rev. Dr. Roland Ziegler, professor at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana, preached for the first service of Matins. Dr. Ziegler is also chairman of the ILC Seminary Relations Committee as well as its North America representative.

IELA President Arturo Truenow speaks at the ILC’s 2024 World Seminaries Conference.

Following worship, participants were welcomed to Argentina by President Arturo Truenow of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Argentina (Iglesia Evangelica Luterana Argentina – IELA). “It is a joy to have you here,” President Truenow said. “May God give us a pleasant time for reflection,” he said, “and nurture us with the Gospel.” President Truenow also discussed the context in which the Argentinian church operates, noting also several milestones in the life of the IELA, including the 80th anniversary of its seminary in 2022 and the upcoming 120th anniversary of the IELA in 2025.

Dr. Sergio Schelske shows some of the books given to the seminary in Argentina by the ILC.

Rev. Dr. Roland Ziegler then brought greetings from the ILC Seminary Relations Committee, which organizes the triennial World Seminaries Conference. He also expressed thanks to those who have helped organize the event, especially the ILC’s Business Manager, Alison Blodgett; and Rev. Dr. Sergio Schelske, Latin America representative on the Seminary Relations Committee and Director of the IELP’s Seminario Concordia, which is hosting the conference. In thanks for the seminary’s hospitality, the ILC presented it with a series of Concordia Commentary volumes, published by Concordia Publishing House (CPH).

Later in the morning, the conference received video greetings from Concordia Publishing House. CPH is a valued partner of the International Lutheran Council, especially in theological education through the ILC’s Lutheran Leadership Development Program (LLDP). All delegates to the World Seminaries Conference received a gift subscription from CPH for their new digital app of The Lutheran Study Bible. The ILC also gave each participant a copy of the book, Lutheran Preaching? Law and Gospel Proclamation, which was also published by CPH.

ILC General Secretary Klaus Detlev Schulz greets the conference.

The morning ended with greetings from Rev. Dr. Klaus Detlev Schulz, General Secretary of the ILC. “The value of this conference is crucial,” Dr. Schulz said, given the increasing challenges to confessional Lutheran faith and practice in the world today. “I believe that we as Lutheran pastors, instructors, and teachers have a duty to promote our faith in such a way that students understand it, take it on, and promote it among their churches and elsewhere.”


Find more news on the ILC’s 2024 World Seminaries Conference here.

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