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Thailand’s Lutherans celebrate 20 years

The organizers of TCLC’s anniversary convention. Photo: LCC/David Friesen.

THAILAND – In October 2024, Thailand Concordia Lutheran Church (TCLC) celebrated its 20th anniversary with a special conference spread over three locations: from October 8-9 in Bangkok, from October 10-11 in Phang-Gha, and from October 12-13 in Chiangmai.

The celebrations brought together members from various sister churches across Asia, as well as representatives from partner churches and organizations that were instrumental in founding the church body. President Antonio Reyes of the Lutheran Church in the Philippines (LCP) was also present for the event, bringing greetings from the International Lutheran Council (ILC). President Reyes is the Asia Region representative on the ILC’s Board of Directors.

LCP President Antonio Reyes brings greetings from the ILC. Photo: LCC/David Friesen.

Thanks to the devoted mission work that started many decades earlier in different parts of the country, TCLC has become a spiritual home for first-generation Christians, many of whom converted to Christianity from Buddhism. The origins of TCLC are rooted in the mission work of three church bodies: Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) in the northern region of the country; The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) in the central region; and Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) in the south. Prior to LCC’s involvement in Thailand, home churches were established by a devoted Lutheran layman, Dr. Herb Gernand, who moved to the south of Thailand for work and desired to bring confessional Lutheranism to the country. Recognizing the need to train men for the ministry, Dr. Gernand reached out to Lutheran Church–Canada for assistance. A formal relationship with LCC was established in 1989, and soon after Rev. Dr. Leonard Harms, Director of International Missions, developed a curriculum and LCC began training pastors and evangelists in this new mission field. 

As LCC was assisting with the mission work in the south, WELS started doing mission work in the northern region, training church workers and planting congregations. Although Lutheran Hour Ministries and other organizations were active in the country years earlier, the LCMS itself formally began work in Thailand in 1986, sending missionaries to Bangkok and establishing social-service programs. One of the missionaries sent was the adopted son of Dr. Herb Gernand: Rev. Dr. Pornprom (Ted) NaThalang, who studied at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri.

As a convert from the southern region, Rev. NaThalang was able to build upon the work that his father started in that area, and was instrumental in helping to bring the central and south region churches together in one body. As this was happening, WELS began to wind down their mission activity among the Thai in the north, shifting their focus to the various Hill Tribes near the Laos boarder. This led the established mission congregations in the north to reach out to Rev. NaThaland and begin dialogue with the newly united Lutheran congregations in the central and south regions. In 2004, the mission congregations in all three regions united to form Thailand Concordia Lutheran Church, electing Rev. Ted NaThalang to serve as their bishop.

TCLC Bishop Ted NaThalang speaks during the convention. Photo: LCC/David Friesen.

“When I look back at my life, I see how the Lord has worked in planting a Confessional Lutheran church in Thailand,” Bishop NaThalang stated at the anniversary celebration. “In my stepfather, God sent a messenger to bring the Gospel to me and my family and then to our neighbours. And then I along with so many other converts were able to bring the same Gospel message to other people across Thailand, establishing congregations along the way.” 

The anniversary celebrations featured many similar reflections from pastors, evangelists, former missionaries, and other members of TCLC, as they visited all three regions during the week-long event.


With files from The Canadian Lutheran

ILC Asia Regional Conference meets in South Korea

Participants in the International Lutheran Council’s 2024 Asia Regional Conference.

SOUTH KOREA – The International Lutheran Council’s (ILC) Asia Regional Conference took place June 24-28 at Luther University in Seoul, South Korea. The theme for the conference was “Leading Amid Changing Social, Cultural, and Theological Landscapes,” and focused on Hebrews 13:8—”Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”

The conference brought together church leaders and representatives from three member churches of the ILC’s Asia World Region: the Lutheran Church in Korea (LCK), the Lutheran Church in the Philippines (LCP), and the Lutheran Church of Australia and New Zealand (LCA/NZ). Representatives of the Thailand Concordia Lutheran Church (TCLC) were also present as guests, as were 32 pastors of the LCK. Several other ILC member churches in the Asia region were unable to attend this year’s conference due to travel difficulties and other reasons.

LCK President Eunseob Kim and Luther University President Jun Hyn Kim.

“We express our heartfelt gratitude to the Lutheran Church of Korea—especially to LCK President Eunseob Kim and Luther University President Jun Hyun Kim—for their gracious hospitality and efficient management of the program,” said LCP President Antonio Reyes, who also serves as the Asia World Region representative on the ILC’s Board of Directors. “As hosts they ensured that all aspects of the conference were of the highest quality. We are overwhelmed by their enthusiasm in support of the goals of the ILC.”

Bishop Juhana Pohjola addresses the ILC’s 2024 Asia Regional Conference.
Rev. Dr. Andrew Pfeiffer speaks.

Speakers for the conference were Bishop Juhana Pohjola of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission Diocese of Finland (ELMDF), who also serves as ILC Chairman; Rev. Dr. Andrew Pfeiffer of the LCA’s Australian Lutheran College; and Rev. Dr. Klaus Detlev Schulz, General Secretary of the ILC. Bishop Pohjola gave a lecture on the challenges posed by women’s ordination, reflecting on the experience of Finland’s national Lutheran church. Dr. Pfeiffer gave two addresses: one on the office of the holy ministry and one on pastoral care. Dr. Schulz, meanwhile, presented on church relations and altar-and-pulpit fellowship.

An additional session led by Dr. Schulz and President Reyes discussed the ways in which the ILC might assist member church bodies in recognizing fellowship with each other.

LCP President Antonio Reyes.
ILC General Secretary Klaus Detlev Schulz.

“It was a blessing to gather together with our friends in the Asia World Region, and to discuss the challenges and opportunities surrounding the proclamation of the Gospel in that part of the globe,” said ILC General Secretary Schulz after the conference. “The International Lutheran Council plays an important role in fostering greater communication and cooperation between member churches, and in encouraging Lutherans around the world to remain faithful to Christ and His Word. We are grateful for the strong and faithful witnesses to Christ present in ILC member churches throughout the Asia World Region.”

Additional presentations focused on the history and present situation in each of the church bodies represented at the conference. Rev. Johng Ho Won presented on behalf of the Lutheran Church in Korea; Rev. Matthew Anker on behalf of the Lutheran Church of Australia and New Zealand; President Reyes on behalf of the Lutheran Church in the Philippines; and President Pornprom (Ted) NaThalang and Rev. Neran Temsakun on behalf of the Thailand Concordia Lutheran Church (TCLC).

TCLC President Pornprom (Ted) NaThalang speaks during the conference.

President NaThalang also gave a presentation on the work of the Lutheran Heritage Foundation in Asia.

In addition to the presentations and discussions, participants held daily matins and vespers. Preaching for these services were LCK President Eunseob Kim; Rev. Anker of the LCA/NZ; Rev. Carl Hanson of International Lutheran Church in Seoul; LCP President Reyes; and Dr. Jun Hyun Kim of Luther University.

Closing worship at Yeolrinmoon Lutheran Church.

Bishop Pohjola served as preacher for the conference’s closing worship service, which was held at the newly-built Yeolrinmoon Lutheran Church. “Our noble calling as church leaders is to receive the life-giving and faith-sustaining Word and Sacraments and ministry,” he said. “During those few years in the life of the Church when we hold Christ’s office it, is our holy and noble task to hand over and pass on Christ and His gifts in the same way we received them—and not to take away anything or adopt strange new teachings.”

“You have received the faith from faithful pastors and laity in the past generation, you preach and teach it now, and then you pass it on to the next generation,” he continued. “This is the reality of how Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever among us in Korea, Thailand, Australia, the Philippines, Finland, and the world.”

The International Lutheran Council is a global association of confessional Lutheran churches which proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the basis of an unconditional commitment to Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions.


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