By ilconline

ILC welcomes Lutheran Mission – Australia into membership

AUSTRALIA – The International Lutheran Council (ILC) has accepted Lutheran Mission – Australia (LM-A) into membership as a Recognized Organization. The decision came during a meeting of the ILC’s Board of Directors on September 17.

“It’s a pleasure to welcome Lutheran Mission – Australia into membership in the ILC,” said Rev. Dr. Klaus Detlev Schulz, General Secretary of the International Lutheran Council. “We appreciate their principled stand on the authority of Scripture, and we look forward to a strong relationship going into the future. May God bless their ministry as they seek to make Christ and His Word known throughout Australia.”

Lutheran Mission – Australia is a newly-formed organization in Australia which seeks to “ensure Confessional Lutheranism has a home in Australia for generations to come.” It arose out of a confessional movement within the Lutheran Church of Australia/New Zealand (LCANZ) which was concerned that the church was declining from historic Lutheran teaching and practice—visibly on the issue over women’s ordination but even more fundamentally on the nature of the authority of Scripture.

“We believe connection with Confessional Lutherans around the world is vital for the health of an emerging synodical body,” said LM-A President Elect Matthew Anker. “To this end, LM-A is seeking membership in the ILC to provide ecclesial accountability, to foster faithful theological reflection, and to seek the consolation of the brethren.” President Anker formerly served as the LCANZ’s Assistant to the Bishop for International Mission.

Less than a month after Lutheran Mission – Australia was accepted into membership, the Lutheran Church of Australia/New Zealand voted on October 5 to authorize women’s ordination. As a result, The LCANZ’s status in the ILC was automatically reduced to Observer Member status in keeping with the ILC’s bylaws.

“We join with faithful people the world over in lamenting the recent decision of the Lutheran Church of Australia and New Zealand (LCANZ) to abandon the clear teaching of the Scriptures and embrace the unbiblical practice of the ordination of women,” LM-A President Anker wrote in response to the vote. “Abandoning God’s Word in such a manner is bound to have a detrimental impact on the faith and life of God’s people…. Our hearts break for the damage this will wreak on people’s faith.”

He continued: “In light of this sad news, Lutheran Mission – Australia is more committed than ever to pursuing the establishment of a thoroughly Confessional Lutheran synod in Australia for the sake of the Gospel and the mission which the Lord has entrusted to His people.”

The International Lutheran Council is a global association of confessional Lutheran church bodies and groups which proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the basis of an unconditional commitment to Holy Scripture and to the Lutheran Confessions.


Lutheran Church of Australia/New Zealand vote to allow women’s ordination

AUSTRALIA – The Lutheran Church of Australia/New Zealand (LCANZ) has voted to allow women’s ordination, affecting its relationship with confessional Lutherans worldwide.

The decision came during the LCANZ’s Convention of General Synod which met in Adelaide from October 4-7. On October 5, the church voted to accept a proposal altering the LCA’s Theses of Agreement, removing the paragraph which restricted women from serving in pastoral ministry on the basis of the teaching of Scripture. It comes after decades of internal debate and disagreement over the issue. Five previous attempts since 2000 to introduce women’s ordination in the LCA had failed.

As a result of the decision, the LCA’s status in the International Lutheran Council (ILC) has been reduced to Observer Member from its former Associate Member status. Full and Associate membership in the ILC is restricted to churches which maintain the doctrinal positions of the ILC as spelled out in the council’s bylaws; a departure from these positions results in an automatic reduction to Observer Member status.

“We grieve the decision of the LCANZ to depart from the clear teaching of Scripture on ordination and the historic practice of the Church,” said Rev. Dr. Klaus Detlev Schulz, General Secretary of the ILC. “We pray for those who have faithfully resisted this change in doctrine for so many years. And we encourage those who have rejected the historic practice of ordination to return to the teaching of Scripture.”

The decision to allow women’s ordination has also strained the LCANZ’s relationship with Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC). In 1994, the Canadian and Australian churches signed a confessional agreement which allowed for fellowship, the shared recognition of each other’s ministry, and other areas of cooperation. The LCA’s decision to approve women’s ordination has undermined the doctrinal unity which serves as the basis of that agreement.

LCC President Teuscher addresses the LCANZ’s 2024 Convention of General Synod.

LCC President Timothy Teuscher was present for the LCANZ’s Convention of General Synod, and addressed the assembly a day after the vote. “While your decision yesterday to implement women’s ordination might bring an end to the constant discussion and debate here among you,” he said, “such is likely to lead to some internal ruptures and a new set of tensions that will not be easily healed.”

“‘Do not two walk together unless they are agreed?’” President Teuscher continued, quoting Amos. “Since LCC and the LCA are no longer in agreement on this matter pertaining to the office of the Holy Ministry, we in Lutheran Church–Canada will have no other option than to recognize that your action yesterday has severed the bond of fellowship between us. At the same time, we will do all in our power to support the faithful remnant here in the Lutheran Church of Australia.

In Lutheran Church–Canada, the formal recognition of dissolution of fellowship must take place during a synodical convention, the next of which is scheduled for 2026.

Many Australian Lutherans have opposed the move by their church body to adopt women’s ordination. That resistance recently led to the formation of the church organization Lutheran Mission – Australia, which was accepted into membership in the ILC in September 2024.

The LCANZ’s resolution authorizing women’s ordination calls on the church to finalize a doctrinal statement on ordination for 2025, to be approved during online meetings of the General Pastors’ Conference and Convention of General Synod.


Lutheran Synod of Mexico president safe following kidnapping

SLM President Isaac Garcia (second from left) and the other five church workers who were kidnapped after returning safely to Mexico City.

MEXICO – Lutherans in Mexico are thanking God for the safe return of President Isaac Garcia of the Lutheran Synod of Mexico (Sínodo Luterano de México – SLM) and five other church workers after they were recently kidnapped.

On September 5, SLM President Garcia was travelling with another pastor and four deaconesses from Mexico City to Cacahoatán, Chiapas in the south of Mexico. “Our intention was to share a workshop with the brothers and sisters on Lutheran identity, to hold a class with the children, to conduct a medical and service brigade, and to finish with Divine Service,” President Garcia explains. “Unfortunately, about 750 kms from Mexico City and five hours from our destination, we were intercepted by two trucks with armed men. We quickly identified ourselves as pastors and told them the purpose of our trip, but they did not care.”

What followed was a harrowing experience. After stripping President Garcia and the others of their money, phones, and other belongings—including their rented van and items that were intended for distribution in Cacahoatán—they were taken off the road to a place where about 24 other people had also been kidnaped. “We were held there for approximately six hours, kneeling, with our eyes closed and some of us blindfolded,” President Garcia says.

“Despite all this, God was with us,” President Garcia continues, “and we were able to feel peace in the midst of the situation, knowing that our lives were in God’s hands, literally living what St. Paul says: ‘For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.’”

After about six hours, they were finally released. “At that moment, I was able to lead a prayer with all those who had been kidnapped,” President Garcia recalls. “Our intention was to share God’s love in one way” that day, he says, but ultimately “we were able to do so in a different way.” The group eventually made their way safely home to Mexico City.

“After reflecting on the situation, we simply ask God to continue being with us as we know He is,” President Garcia says, “and to keep leading us to those who need to hear, repent, and come to Christ. We pray for all missionaries around the world, that God may watch over and protect them at all times.”

“We are deeply grateful that God safely delivered our brothers and sisters in Mexico from this serious situation,” said Rev. Dr. Klaus Detlev Schulz, General Secretary of the International Lutheran Council (ILC). “May God comfort them with His presence as they recover from this frightening ordeal and encourage them with the knowledge of His love and care for each of them. And may He continue to raise up courageous witnesses for Christ both in Mexico and throughout the entire world.”

The Lutheran Synod in Mexico is a member church of the ILC, a worldwide association of confessional Lutheran churches which proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the basis of an unconditional commitment to Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions.


Lutherans in Australia, New Zealand prepare for another vote on women’s ordination

AUSTRALIA – The Lutheran Church of Australia/New Zealand (LCANZ) will hold another vote on women’s ordination at its upcoming Convention of General Synod in October.

The LCANZ has debated the issue of women’s ordination repeatedly for more than three decades, holding five votes on the matter since 2000. In each case, resolutions seeking the adoption of women’s ordination have failed to reach the 2/3 majority required to change church teaching.

The most recent vote took place in 2023. Despite that vote failing, the church went on to adopt another resolution calling on the LCANZ to prepare a detailed framework by which the church could become “one church with two ordination practices,” with a proposal to be submitted in anticipation of the LCANZ’s Convention of General Synod in 2024. That resolution also asserted: “It is the expectation of this General Convention of Synod that both women and men will be ordained in a District of the LCANZ during the 2024-2027 synodical period.”

The new proposal—known as the Way Forward Detailed Framework—was released at the end of July. It envisions amending the LCANZ’s Theses of Agreement so that “the Church changes its teaching to allow for the ordination of women and men.” The proposal argues that, while there are “different theological positions on the gender (male and female) of pastors in the Church,” such differences are “non-divisive of church fellowship, enabling the LCA to remain as one Church.”

Lutheran Mission – Australia

Other Lutherans in Australia disagree that the issue of women’s ordination is non-divisive; a group of concerned Lutherans in Australia have recently launched a new organization—Lutheran Mission – Australia (LM-A)—to “ensure Confessional Lutheranism has a home in Australia for generations to come.” Elected to serve as LM-A’s inaugural President is Rev. Matt Anker, who formerly served as the LCANZ’s Assistant to the Bishop for International Mission.

“LM-A was established to support, encourage, and strengthen confessional Lutherans in their faithfulness to God and His Word, and to eventually establish a synod which ensures that people are served through the proclamation of the ‘whole counsel of God,’” LM-A’s website explains. “It is committed to ensuring that people in Australia are served with both the Law and Gospel so that God’s desire to bring peace and forgiveness of sins by grace alone, through faith alone in Christ alone is realised.”

While women’s ordination is one of the most visible areas of contention among Australian Lutherans, LM-A argues that it is just a symptom of a more fundamental disagreement in the LCANZ over the authority of Scripture. Regardless of the outcome of the upcoming vote at the Convention of General Synod, LM-A says, “sooner or later it will be necessary to separate from those who hold to a different confession.”

International Church Relations

In addition to causing internal division in the LCANZ, the adoption of women’s ordination could affect the church’s relations with international partners. For example, the LCANZ is an Associate Member of the International Lutheran Council (ILC), a global association of confessional Lutheran church bodies. But the Bylaws of the ILC state that any Full or Associate Member which changes its church teaching in a way contrary to the ILC’s Doctrinal Basis will be reduced automatically to Observer Member status.

Lutheran Mission – Australia, for its part, has indicated its intention to also seek membership in the International Lutheran Council.

The Lutheran Church of Australia/New Zealand will formally consider the proposal on women’s ordination at its General Pastors Conference from September 29-October 2 before bringing it before the Convention of General Synod from October 4-7.


AALC holds General Convention

AALC clergy and guests following the opening service of the church’s 29th General Convention. Photo: AALC/Lisa Cooper.

USA – The American Association of Lutheran Churches (AALC) held its 29th biennial General Convention from June 25-28 in Plymouth, Minnesota. The theme for the convention was “Reconciled through Christ,” based on 2 Corinthians 5:27-30.

Serving as keynote speakers for the conference were Rev. Heath R. Curtis and Rev. Dr. Nathan Meador, with the two addressing the subject of stewardship. Rev. Curtis is a pastor of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) and coordinator of its national Stewardship Ministry program. Rev. Dr. Meador is likewise a pastor of the LCMS, serving as Mission Executive for the South Wisconsin District. Together, Rev. Curtis and Dr. Meador are authors of a book entitled Stewardship as Pastoral Care.

Among other business, the convention passed budgets for the AALC as well as its seminary, the American Lutheran Theological Seminary (ALTS). It further elected and installed Rev. Dr. Curtis E. Leins to serve as president of the seminary. Dr. Leins previously served as Presiding Pastor of the AALC from 2014-2022. Elections for several other positions in the church were also held during the convention.

The convention received in-person greetings from two fellowship partners: the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and the Lutheran Church in Norway/Iceland (LKNI), with the latter being represented by its Bishop Torkild Masvie. Greetings were also received from the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations (ALFC), whose college campus—the Free Lutheran Bible College and Seminary—served as the venue for the AALC’s 2024 convention.

The American Association of Lutheran Churches is a member church of the International Lutheran Council (ILC), a global association of Lutheran church bodies and organizations grounded on the authority of Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions.


LLDP holds Ecclesial Leadership courses in Fort Wayne

LLDP participants receive textbooks published by Concordia Publishing House. Front row, from left: Rev. Johanesa Andriamanarinjato, Bishop of Fisakana Synod of Malagasy Lutheran Church (FLM); Rev. Dr. Heinz Hiestermann, Director of Lutheran Theological Seminary in Tshwane, South Africa; Rev. Dr. Yohana Nzelu, Bishop of South East of Lake Victoria Diocese (SELVD) of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT); Rev. Jackson Mushendwa, Bishop of Western Diocese (WD), ELCT; back row from left, Rev. John Pless, Assistant Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Missions, CTSFW; Rev. Ambele Mwaipopo, Retired Bishop of Lake Tanganyika Diocese (LTD), ELCT; Rev. Dr. Yacob Godebo, Director of PhD Program at Mekane Yesus Seminary, Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY); Rev. Martin Paul, Third Pastor of the Synodical Council, Free Evangelical Lutheran Synod in South Africa (FELSISA); Rev. Charles Bameka, National Presiding Bishop of Lutheran Church of Uganda; and Rev. Dr. Naomichi Masaki, The Reverend Victor H. and Lydia Dissen Professor of the Lutheran Confession at CTSFW and LLDP Director.

USA – Building on its “fabulous” February session held in Wittenberg, Germany, the Lutheran Leadership Development Program (LLDP) held its next regular session at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne (CTSFW) in Indiana from June 24 to July 5, 2024.

Visa difficulties kept six students from participating, but those who were able to attend enjoyed a series of training courses of a practical nature. During the first week, veteran Professor John T. Pless of CTSFW taught “Responding to Contemporary Issues and Neo-Pentecostalism.” General Secretary Teshome Amenu of the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY), led the “Ecclesial and Organizational Leadership” class during the second week. It was a special delight to have General Secretary Amenu back with the LLDP, as he was one of the first graduates from the program in November 2022. Rev. Amenua, who is a former professor and dean at Mekane Yesus Seminary and is about to defend his PhD dissertation on ecclesial leadership, offered a very valuable service to the LLDP as an instructor.

Participants engage in group discussion on case studies.

Participants in the June and July sessions come from seven Lutheran church bodies and dioceses in five countries in Africa. They are: Rev. Dr. Yohana Nzelu, Bishop of South East of Lake Victoria Diocese, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (SELVD-ELCT); Rev. Johanesa Andriamanarinjato, Bishop of Fisakana Synod, Malagasy Lutheran Church (FLM); Rev. Dr. Yacob Godebo, Director of PhD Program at Mekane Yesus Seminary (EECMY); Rev. Martin Paul, Third Pastor in the Synodical Council, Free Evangelical Lutheran Synod in South Africa (FELSISA); Rev. Ambele Mwaipopo, Bishop of Lake Tanganyika Diocese (LTD), ELCT; Rev. Jackson Mushendwa, Bishop of Western Diocese (WD), ELCT; and Rev. Charles Bameka, the National Presiding Bishop of Lutheran Church of Uganda (LCU). Rev. Dr. Heinz Hiestermann, Director of Lutheran Theological Seminary in Tshwane, South Africa (FELSISA) also joined the sessions as a special student. The LLDP served once again, as one participant noted, “as a hub connecting confessional Lutheran leaders from around the world to strengthen, support, learn, and work together.”

LLDP participants after the Divine Service at St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bingen/Decatur, Indiana. Together with her pastors Rev. Peter Brock, Rev. Berett Steffen, and visiting Bishop Torkild Masvie.

During their two week stay in Fort Wayne, participants had the opportunity to receive the Divine Service at St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bingen/Decatur, Indiana, in addition to daily chapel at CTSFW. They also met with CTSFW’s new president, Rev. Dr. Jon Bruss, heard a special lecture on mission and ecclesial leadership by Bishop Torkild Masvie of The Lutheran Church in Norway and Iceland (LKNI), and welcomed ILC General Secretary Klaus Detlev Schulz, who also serves as a professor at CTSFW. They were even entertained by Mr. T. J. Mattick, District Vice President of Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) of Indiana District.

The session was a perfect pairing of two classes. Dr. Pless’ class lay the theological foundation for the participating church leaders to engage in a variety of contemporary issues they face. General Secretary Amenu’s class sought to equip them with practical skills to handle those situations as leaders. Participants learned to develop their theological discernment based on scriptural doctrine and historical knowledge through Prof. Pless’ guidance. Rev. Amenu’s class assisted participants in recognizing their leadership “style” and capacity, and engaged in several case studies.

Prof. John Pless teaching a class on “Responding to Contemporary Issues and Neo-Pentecostalism.”

Dr. Pless’ class treated all the way from the doctrine of Scripture, the nature of the confession, and the work of the Holy Spirit to the history and theology of a variety of Pentecostal and neo-charismatic movements, sound and false ecumenism, sexuality and gender issues, two Kingdom doctrine, interfaith dialogue, and sound and unsound contextualization. After an encouraging short lecture by Bishop Masvie, General Secretary Amenu discussed classical theories and models of leadership, a biblical understanding of church leadership, leadership skills, integrity and accountability, conflict resolution, and succession planning. He also guided the students through valuable case studies.

Of Dr. Pless’ course, students said: “This course has taught me about a variety of contemporary issues and religious movements of the last two centuries that still affect us today.” “I have learned a lot more about Pentecostalism and African initiated churches than ever before.” “I have learned to be more confident in the Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions. I appreciated the words of Hermann Sasse: ‘The church is not dying from martyrdom but from apostasy.’” “If we make the Word of God supreme and able to teach and preach its true meaning, we will be able to meet the challenges facing our churches.”

Rev. Teshome Amenu, General Secretary of EECMY, teaches on “Ecclesial and Organizational Leadership.”

Comments on Rev. Amenu’s course were also encouraging: “Rev. Teshome is a brilliant teacher. The way he presented the content was professional. The case studies and the group discussions were very helpful.” “The class helped me to reflect on my own leadership style, where my strengths and weaknesses are, and gave me sufficient information to improve on my weaknesses.” “I have learned who is a leader and a servant at the same time. I have learned how to engage in the conflict resolution in the church. I have learned the very important point of integrity and accountability.” “Finding suitable materials has been my challenge as I have been teaching some courses on leadership. Now, I was given many good textbooks through Concordia Publishing House that I can use to improve leadership courses back home.”

“Our two courses were not only taught by two excellent instructors but also supported by a number of great Concordia Publishing House (CPH) resources,” noted LLDP Director, Rev. Dr. Naomichi Masaki. “The global impact of CPH can never be underestimated. The LLDP is enormously thankful for their partnership.”

A group photo at the Masakis at the closing banquet.

The next session in November will continue treating practical issues of church leadership, particularly in the areas of strategic planning and financial accountability. You are invited to support the work of the LLDP by making a donation online. You can also mail a donation by cheque to:

International Lutheran Council
P.O. Box 10149
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46850 USA


ILC Asia Regional Conference meets in South Korea

Participants in the International Lutheran Council’s 2024 Asia Regional Conference.

SOUTH KOREA – The International Lutheran Council’s (ILC) Asia Regional Conference took place June 24-28 at Luther University in Seoul, South Korea. The theme for the conference was “Leading Amid Changing Social, Cultural, and Theological Landscapes,” and focused on Hebrews 13:8—”Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”

The conference brought together church leaders and representatives from three member churches of the ILC’s Asia World Region: the Lutheran Church in Korea (LCK), the Lutheran Church in the Philippines (LCP), and the Lutheran Church of Australia and New Zealand (LCA/NZ). Representatives of the Thailand Concordia Lutheran Church (TCLC) were also present as guests, as were 32 pastors of the LCK. Several other ILC member churches in the Asia region were unable to attend this year’s conference due to travel difficulties and other reasons.

LCK President Eunseob Kim and Luther University President Jun Hyn Kim.

“We express our heartfelt gratitude to the Lutheran Church of Korea—especially to LCK President Eunseob Kim and Luther University President Jun Hyun Kim—for their gracious hospitality and efficient management of the program,” said LCP President Antonio Reyes, who also serves as the Asia World Region representative on the ILC’s Board of Directors. “As hosts they ensured that all aspects of the conference were of the highest quality. We are overwhelmed by their enthusiasm in support of the goals of the ILC.”

Bishop Juhana Pohjola addresses the ILC’s 2024 Asia Regional Conference.
Rev. Dr. Andrew Pfeiffer speaks.

Speakers for the conference were Bishop Juhana Pohjola of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission Diocese of Finland (ELMDF), who also serves as ILC Chairman; Rev. Dr. Andrew Pfeiffer of the LCA’s Australian Lutheran College; and Rev. Dr. Klaus Detlev Schulz, General Secretary of the ILC. Bishop Pohjola gave a lecture on the challenges posed by women’s ordination, reflecting on the experience of Finland’s national Lutheran church. Dr. Pfeiffer gave two addresses: one on the office of the holy ministry and one on pastoral care. Dr. Schulz, meanwhile, presented on church relations and altar-and-pulpit fellowship.

An additional session led by Dr. Schulz and President Reyes discussed the ways in which the ILC might assist member church bodies in recognizing fellowship with each other.

LCP President Antonio Reyes.
ILC General Secretary Klaus Detlev Schulz.

“It was a blessing to gather together with our friends in the Asia World Region, and to discuss the challenges and opportunities surrounding the proclamation of the Gospel in that part of the globe,” said ILC General Secretary Schulz after the conference. “The International Lutheran Council plays an important role in fostering greater communication and cooperation between member churches, and in encouraging Lutherans around the world to remain faithful to Christ and His Word. We are grateful for the strong and faithful witnesses to Christ present in ILC member churches throughout the Asia World Region.”

Additional presentations focused on the history and present situation in each of the church bodies represented at the conference. Rev. Johng Ho Won presented on behalf of the Lutheran Church in Korea; Rev. Matthew Anker on behalf of the Lutheran Church of Australia and New Zealand; President Reyes on behalf of the Lutheran Church in the Philippines; and President Pornprom (Ted) NaThalang and Rev. Neran Temsakun on behalf of the Thailand Concordia Lutheran Church (TCLC).

TCLC President Pornprom (Ted) NaThalang speaks during the conference.

President NaThalang also gave a presentation on the work of the Lutheran Heritage Foundation in Asia.

In addition to the presentations and discussions, participants held daily matins and vespers. Preaching for these services were LCK President Eunseob Kim; Rev. Anker of the LCA/NZ; Rev. Carl Hanson of International Lutheran Church in Seoul; LCP President Reyes; and Dr. Jun Hyun Kim of Luther University.

Closing worship at Yeolrinmoon Lutheran Church.

Bishop Pohjola served as preacher for the conference’s closing worship service, which was held at the newly-built Yeolrinmoon Lutheran Church. “Our noble calling as church leaders is to receive the life-giving and faith-sustaining Word and Sacraments and ministry,” he said. “During those few years in the life of the Church when we hold Christ’s office it, is our holy and noble task to hand over and pass on Christ and His gifts in the same way we received them—and not to take away anything or adopt strange new teachings.”

“You have received the faith from faithful pastors and laity in the past generation, you preach and teach it now, and then you pass it on to the next generation,” he continued. “This is the reality of how Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever among us in Korea, Thailand, Australia, the Philippines, Finland, and the world.”

The International Lutheran Council is a global association of confessional Lutheran churches which proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the basis of an unconditional commitment to Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions.


French Lutherans reelect president

Participants in the EELSF’s 2024 Synodical General Assembly.

FRANCE – The Evangelical Lutheran Church – Synod of France (Église Évangélique Luthérienne – Synode de France – EELSF) held its biennial Synodical General Assembly from May 10-12, 2024 in Châtenay-Malabry and Paris. The theme for the gathering was “First to the Lord,” based on 2 Corinthians 8:5.

EELSF President Gleisson R. Schmidt (front right) and the other elected members of the church’s Synodical Council.

The assembly saw Rev. Dr. Gleisson R. Schmidt reelected to a second term as president. Originally from Brazil, President Schmidt was first elected to lead the church in France in 2020. Rev. Garry V. Heintz was elected to serve as Vice President, succeeding Rev. Philippe Volff who had served in the role since 2012. Élodie Lieby was elected to serve as treasurer, Noëlle Boisnault was reelected as secretary, Jean-Luc Fortmann was elected as assistant to the treasurer, and Justine Volff was elected as assistant to the secretary.

Rev. François Lara of the Saint-Peirre parish in Châtenay-Malabry prepared a series of seven Bible studies on the convention theme, drawing on a study by Wilbert Kreiss entitled: “Living Stones and Faithful Stewards.” The seven studies, which were led by other pastors as Rev. Lara was unable to attend due to health reasons, discussed the consecration of: life; our thoughts; the body; our time; our talents; our goods; and our wealth.

A business session during the EELSF’s Synodical General Assembly.

Among other business, the EELSF’s assembly adopted a resolution calling for the creation of an online centre for theological education; adopted statements touching on sanctity of life issues; considered plans to establish church fellowship with several Lutheran church bodies in Africa; and resolved to seek fellowship with the Evangelical Lutheran Mission Diocese of Finland (Suomen evankelisluterilainen Lähetyshiippakunta–ELMDF). The assembly also made plans to mark the 450th anniversary of the Book of Concord in 2027; the 500th anniversary of the Small and Large Catechisms in 2029; and the 500th anniversary of the Augsburg Confession in 2030.

SELK Bishop Hans-Jörg Voigt (second from right) brought greetings from the church in Germany to the EELSF’s Synodical General Assembly.

The church received written greetings from partner churches in Belgium, Canada, Chili, Haiti, and Paraguay. Bishop Hans-Jörg Voigt of Germany’s Independent Evangelical Lutheran Church (Selbständige Evangelisch—Lutherische Kirche – SELK) brought greetings in person to the assembly.

The final day of the assembly saw participants gather for worship at Saint-Sauveur parish in Paris, during which time members of the Synodical Council were installed. A luncheon followed the service, with final assembly business taking place thereafter.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church – Synod of France is a member church of the International Lutheran Council (ILC), a global association of confessional Lutheran church bodies.


Corpus Christi joins the ILC

A presentation during 2023’s Corpus Christi Conference in Latvia. Photo: Dr. Samuli Siikavirta.

EUROPE – The International Lutheran Council (ILC) has accepted Europe’s Corpus Christi Association into membership as a Recognized Organization.

“It is a pleasure to welcome Corpus Christi into the International Lutheran Council,” said Rev. Dr. Klaus Detlev Schulz, General Secretary of the ILC. “Corpus Christi does remarkable work bringing together young Lutherans from across Europe to study God’s Word and to worship together. May God continue to strengthen the ties between our organizations as together we seek to make the good news of Jesus Christ known.”

Corpus Christi is a Lutheran young adults association first established in Sweden but which has grown to serve young adults from Lutheran churches all across Europe. Its motto is: “For the churchly and biblical renewal of young adults in Europe,” and the association encourages practice of historic Lutheran liturgy and knowledge of Scripture as the foundation of faith.

Rev. Dr. Samuli Siikavirta, chair of Corpus Christi’s board. Photo: Māra Siikavirta.

While Corpus Christi welcomes participants from many Lutheran church bodies in Europe, the association itself is independent. “By becoming a recognized organization of the ILC, we will not lose our independence” noted Rev. Dr. Samuli Siikavirta, Chairman of Corpus Christi’s board, on the decision to seek membership, “but we are making a clear statement that this is the kind of Lutherans that we are. We stand with those who want to hold to the Holy Bible and the Lutheran Confessions.”

 “We look forward to deepening our cooperation in the future,” he continued.

Worship during 2023’s Corpus Christi Conference in Latvia. Photo: Dr. Samuli Siikavirta.

The cornerstone of Corpus Christi’s work is its annual conference, which is held in a different country each year. Today the annual conference attracts approximately 250 participants from 20 countries annually—primarily from Europe but attracting participants also from the Middle East, North America, and South Africa. 2024’s conference is scheduled to welcome a number of participants also from Australia.

This year’s Corpus Christi Conference will take place July 22-26, 2024, in Wittenberg, Germany. Rev. Dr. Joel Biermann of Concordia Seminary (St. Louis, Missouri) will serve as keynote speaker for the event, discussing the Body of Christ in the manger, on the cross, on the altar, and in the pews. Additional speakers this year include Rev. Sebastian Grünbaum (Finland), Rev. Esko Murto (Finland), and Rev. Dr. Armin Wenz (Germany). Further information on the 2024 conference is available from Corpus Christi’s website here.

Corpus Christi held its first conference in 2009 in Sweden, with young adults from Finland and Norway also attending. From its beginning, the conference has invited speakers from ILC-associated churches to teach at its conferences. As Corpus Christi grew, so did international involvement from the rest of Europe, leading the association to update its governing statutes in 2020 to reflect the international nature of the organization. The board of Corpus Christi today reflects that international character: Rev. Dr. Samuli Siikavirta (Finland); Lukas Johansson (Sweden); Hanna Simojoki (United Kingdom); Jarl Roar Simonsen (Norway); Jordan Tomesch (United States of America); and Rev. Dr. Michael Wenz (Germany).

Planning for 2024’s Corpus Christi Conference in Germany. Photo: Dr. Samuli Siikavirta.

In addition to its annual summer conference, Corpus Christi has begun to host regional conferences in Germany, Finland, and Norway during the winter seasons. Additional regional events are in the planning stages for places like the Balkans and Southern Europe.

Corpus Christi maintains positive relations with a number of church bodies which support its work, including the Evangelical Lutheran Mission Diocese of Finland (Suomen evankelisluterilainen Lähetyshiippakunta – ELMDF), the Mission Province in Sweden (Missionsprovinsen i Sverige – MPS), and the Independent Evangelical Lutheran Church (Selbständige Evangelisch—Lutherische Kirche – SELK) in Germany—all member churches of the ILC.

The International Lutheran Council is a global association of confessional Lutheran church bodies which proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the basis of an unconditional commitment to the Holy Scriptures as the inspired and infallible Word of God and to the Lutheran Confessions contained in the Book of Concord as the true and faithful exposition of the Word of God.


Kenya’s Lutherans respond to flooding

An emergency shelter for displaced people in Kisumu County, including displaced Lutherans.
An ELCK church devastated by flooding in Kitui.

KENYA – Throughout April and May, Kenya experienced devastating flooding, with more than 300 killed, hundreds more injured, and 300,000 people displaced. And though the initial crisis has receded, Lutherans are still at work, picking up the pieces and ministering to the victims of the disaster.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya (ELCK) reports that more than 20 of their congregations and several schools were affected. Among the dead are three children of Lutheran members in Lopedot. Numerous church members were forced from their homes and forced to seek refuge in government-established emergency shelters. Nor is the ELCK alone in facing the current situation: the Evangelical Lutheran Conference and Ministerium of Kenya (ELCMK) has also been seriously affected by the tragedy.

“This is the worst flooding disaster our country has experienced since 1963,” said ELCK Archbishop Joseph Ochola Omolo. “The water filled lakes and ponds, then started coming onto the land where people live, sweeping everything away: houses, households, livestock, and humans.”

The ELCK’s Lake Diocese provides medical care following flooding.

The church has provided assistance to those affected by the flooding—hosting, for example, medical clinics and distributing clothes and other emergency goods. But the need is greater than the church’s current capacity. “We are still overwhelmed by the situation,” Archbishop Omolo reported. “So many families are in dire need of shelter, food, medication, and clothing, among other basic needs.”  The ELCK invites anyone moved by their plight to contact them if they wish to support their work aiding victims of flooding.

Bishop Titus Okoda of the ELCK’s Lake Diocese baptizes a child born to Lutheran parents seeking refuge during flooding.

In addition to works of mercy, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya is also prioritizing spiritual care for those affected by the flooding. “Natural disasters like this can be so cruel and destructive,” Archbishop Omolo explained. “But it is also true that in the midst of such calamites, we can see and experience God’s protective hand upon His creation. We ask you to join Kenyans in prayer.”

“I encourage Christians everywhere to remember their brothers and sisters in Kenya in prayer,” said Rev. Dr. Klaus Detlev Schulz, General Secretary of the International Lutheran Council (ILC). “May God bless the work of the church in these tragic circumstances, equipping them to reach out with the comfort of Jesus Christ, as well as with practical support for those in need.”

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya is a member church of the International Lutheran Council, a global association of Lutheran church bodies grounded in the authority of Scripture and faithful to the Lutheran confessions. The Evangelical Lutheran Conference and Ministerium of Kenya is an observer member in the ILC.


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